
Just the due to proximity bit. 

I don’t believe you don’t know why. If you have a problem with it, have the balls to say you have an issue with it.

This is a weird take on high school friendships. 

I can't say I liked Hyde, buy he did provide an important role as a source for all the weed they were smoking.

Peak blinders was a fart at the end

It’s one of my favorite albums of all time. So fucking good. And then everything after that... Well...

I hate it, but I also hate Temple of Doom, so it's not like I think it killed Indiana Jones' legacy or anything. They already had a shit film in the pantheon. At least this one wasn't racist. That I can remember.

Hmm this might be a great cure for what ails us. Have someone ineligible but with a moron following run every year, siphon off the idiot voting bloc, and even if somehow he wins the vote he’s ineligible and can't be put into office! Ha, it's foolproof, unless there were a coup, but that would never happen. This is

I disliked Tenet, and really can’t wait for Oppenheimer. Nolan, for all the shit he gets - some of it quite fair, makes movies that are just really interesting to watch.

If you're counting loose retelling something by Shakespeare has to lead the way, doesn't it?

Westworld would have to be completely reshot to be safe for TBS.

Italy has a visa waiver program with the US, so she could stay up to 90 days as a tourist, while she tries to work something out.

Yeah, I rode it when our family vacation took us there in 1990.

I don’t expect them to be buddies, but all the hate for 50 years? I had a shitty boss who tried to fire me 20 years ago for shit that was his fault, and would have gotten away with it if the union hadn’t stepped in. But I don’t hate the guy. I just laugh about it when I think of it now.

It's bad, but an interesting kind of bad.

Yeah, I still have a soft spot for it because I loved it so much as a kid.

Which is a fantasy classic.

Yeah, he was such an important part of Willow. It's hard to imagine the series without him, but at the same time, in his current condition he'd probably just make me feel sad.

It's more than she said Cameron owed her.

One could argue that the only way you could convince a grown adult witches are real is through psychological torture.