
Planes, Trains & Automobiles & the Apocalypse 

Probably has something to do with not wanting to make security lines even longer since all those people coming to meet the plane would have to go through security as well.

Ok, I must have missed that.

You seem to have lost the thread on what this discussion was about 

Isn’t obese and alcoholic the goal? Hm. I might have been doing life wrong.

Not really bad at all. To have an 80 year old play a guy in his early 70s doesn't seem bad. Especially since Indy probably didn't follow much of a skin care routine.

Does Albie have a pretty wounded bird thing, or does he just like Portia? It seems weird to say he has a type off of a sample size of one.

I agree with your read on Harper. It’s been clear even before this episode that she feels insecure and uncomfortable and that a lot of her supposed tell it like it is behavior is just false bravado.

Sure, if they’re enjoying themselves, why not? But I’m surprised so many of them are. I feel my job is important. But I’m just damn tired. I imagine someone in their 60s is even more tired.

Honestly, I don’t understand why more people don’t take early retirement if it’s financially viable. I’m only in my early 40s but if I had the money I’d quit work today. So exhausting going into work day in day out. So many great things outside of work. People who are financially well off who work into their 70s need

He says 80s was the peak of his movie watching, and he graduated high school in the 80s. I don't see how you'd figure 80s wasn't back in his day.

He specifically called 80s movies, which would be back in his day, a terrible era in movies. So disagree with him all you want, but he's not complaining from a back in my day position. 

Oh, hopefully I’m clear I’m not either, and she absolutely has the right to voice her concerns. I’m just surprised to hear her complain so much about it, as someone who isn’t in the room for her career discussions, the strategy seems to be lean into it, which complaining about it would seem to fight against that

Not true. I also remember Jane Fonda out of that costume.

While that’s true, many of her roles so far have been heavily sexual even by Hollywood actress standards.

But to me that’s kind of the thing... we already knew Beatty was a piece of shit. OK. Opinion of him unchanged.

Netflix Japan has the TV show, so it would be nice if they get the rights for the movie in Japan too.

Ok, Frankie drinks darling tea.

I get what you’re saying, but as someone who was once that age and who now teaches kids that age, I’ve got to say even the best of them trend towards creepy assholes and you just got to hope they survive and come out the other side ok.

It also seems weird to pretend like Lost was terrible.