
I think the problem isn’t having realistic depictions of labor. It’s more this is the what, 4th? 5th? graphic depiction of childbirth in 10 episodes of TV. At a certain point it just becomes torture porn.

And maybe with civil war she sees a way to the throne for herself, which based off her talk with Alicent, she still clearly wants.

Maybe she doesn't want an end to conflict. War could benefit her.

I wonder if Rhaenys is still eyeing the throne for herself, so ending the war by roasting everyone isn't the end goal she's hoping for, as that would just mean Rhaenyra gets the throne.

Looking younger than her age? She'd always looked older than her age til she hit her 30s.

Yeah, I'm rewatching the show now, and some of Pierce's jokes are definitely the wrong kind of cringe. But often when assholes have a good point it's drowned out by them being assholes, and I think that was Chevy's problem there.

And then immediately doubled down on it. The writer seems to be under the impression The US is the world. And even if I give him the benefit of the doubt on that, shocked Americans would also be stretching believability. 

User name checks out.

The people who recovered it had no idea what it looked like. It couldn’t have been checked immediately, so all it really means is rather than writing more exposition between the recovery and volcano, they would have had it happen sooner.

What could also protect her children would be to say, have a marriage between them. If only someone had proposed that so that Alicent wouldn’t have to push her children towards full blown civil war which I'm sure will keep all her children safe.

I also hate this trope where people are supposed to be learning by getting their ass beat by someone far superior to them. That's not how anyone learns.

They cleared the room, cleaned tables, but just didn't have time for the floor? Yeah right.

nah, that part was ridiculous. Like really? They didn’t send some servant in to clean up the mess before having a ceremony?

I'm pretty sure anyone can make a little mermaid movie.

I understand why Disney wants to do it. I don't understand why it appeals to audiences. I'm not sitting around, wishing for remakes of the movies I loved to show my kid, I just show him the movie I loved as a kid. And he likes it or doesn't like it, but if he doesn't like it it's never because he needed live action.

Really don’t understand the draw of these live action remakes of the animated movies. Even more so when the remake requires so much CGI on the characters that they’re essentially animated anyway. Especially when the original actually holds up pretty well.

I believe him. Otherwise how else would he know the word masseters? If he was lying he'd have used the word jaw muscles like a normal human.

If you have a hard time believing a show that spent years skewering network television was making fun of product placement, that's on you.

I’m 100% sure he didn’t. It absolutely sounds like someone who watched maybe 10 minutes of the 1st episode.

Yes, there were never mysterious characters of unknown identity until Abrams came along.