
You must read very slowly.

So who came on to teach the youngsters who Cheech and Chong are?

Sounds like River could have overdosed just off osmosis in that environment. 

If a trailer is made in such a way as to feature scenes of sex prominently, and then people start talking about that sex, shouldn't your problem more be with the marketing department, not the people going damn this movie looks sexy?

But maybe, and I know this goes against the idea of all the bullshit that gets released, it was so bad it'd hurt the reputation of anyone who streamed it.

Have we considered the real possibility that this movie is just really really incredibly bad?

I wouldn’t want to admit having gone down on Dave Coulier in the theater either.

There are worse choices. Shia Lebouf for example.

I already know that.

That people give a crap about this just proves to me once again I could never be a comic book nerd. 

I wish my dad were still around to catfish me.

Its even what older adults do. I know a number of people who got back together with their high school partner in their 40s. People change and mature. You meet them again later and they still have the aspects that originally drew you to them but have also improved in the areas that pushed you apart.  Why wouldn't you

I feel like my tongue has had a stroke every time I try to say regularly.

I agree that this can create an ambiguous situation. But the problem isn’t really with the use of they. The same problem would exist if the people were of the same sex. My mother ran a red light past my sister. She sucks and she won’t let her get away with this.

The Supreme Court was never designed to reflect the will of the people. And if it was just a matter of reflecting popular opinion a lot of important landmark cases such as brown vs boe would have never gone the way they did. I'm all for reform, but not at all sure giving the people a say wouldn't backfire. I think

What we’ve seen the past 6 years is that voting absolutely matters. The game is rigged to favor Republicans with the way the senate and the electoral college works. But when the Republicans controlled the senate and presidency they were able to add 3 Supreme Court justices. Dems controlled the past year and we have a

I guess you didn't hear about Susan Collins being disappointed. 

They can't even afford enough strings to make it a guitar.

Whats the chances that the switch in title was just them noticing a typo

I can’t remember how it was shot. Was it done in a way there couldn’t have been a cut?