
Lol. His job was literally to go up there and make fun of some celebs. Either you've never experienced bullying before or you've never seen an awards show before because they're not at all the same. 

Not sure you've ever seen an award show before. It's all uncomfortable jokes at the expense of celebs. Somehow everyone else up to now has been able to resist assaulting someone over a stupid joke.

It has to be a higher bar than just a tasteless joke at someone's expense. Otherwise we'd just have a world where everyone is going around slapping people all the time.

It likely only will kick in if they see consistent use from the same ip addresses. So travel is unlikely to be an issue. Watching at work when your boss isn't looking may be though.

As a premise to a sitcom, I prefer the idea that her kids don't really want to spend more time with her so they start putting together a project that will tempt her back into her movie career. Think Parent Trap, but instead of trying to get the mom back with the dad they're trying to get the mom back with her job so

Jake Adelstein is famously full of shit so I’m sure it comes off as very white boy’s Japan fantasy.

“You don't look like someone Ann Hathaway would room with."

Yeah, it was weird to use that term without clarifying what the other thing (things?) she does is. I mean, her last name being Kravitz, I'm guessing something in music, but I have no idea.

Not that the history in the original series was dead-on accurate, but they’ve really decided to just throw history away all together this time, which just makes it all pretty silly. I guess it was mildly more interesting than yet another King Arthur reboot, but historically it was more or less on the same level.

Since they upaged Harald to be a part of this story, he'd have to be in his 80s or 90s when he dies in battle if they continue to 1066.

Yeah, they kind of did the sugar ray thing of changing their sound to match their hit. Feels like a number of bands around that era did that, but those two are probably the most blatant example.

Well the best I could say about that rant would be it’s badly worded. I don’t know enough about Elliott to jump to any conclusions, but that sounds like something a bigot would say.

Ridiculous. Everyone knows Baloo the bear in the animated Jungle Book was Disney’s first gay character.

I actually listen to this album more often than i do definitely maybe. With their debut, they were largely doing the same as they would with morning glory, but the latter album is so great that if I'm looking for that sound im putting that one on. But be here now is different. It's too much. The album is bloated and a

Counterpoint: a listenable album from a great band

Yeah, seems weird to choose grunge as an example of this idea of white people with guitars. Soundgarden’s original lineup was only half white with Hiro (japanese-american) on bass and Kim (indian-american) on guitar.

Eh, I'd say the idea that trumpies could take over without white men is too ridiculous even for fiction.

She was acting her ass off, but it felt like she was in a completely different show than the rest of the cast.

Season 3 was only disappointing in that season 1-2 were so great. Season 3 was still great to watch.

I agree with you in a sense. I just think it works less when the series is a bit of a convoluted mess that is trying to do too much. If Hawley had managed to make s4 play like s1-3 that episode would have been fantastic (and I greatly enjoyed certain aspects of it), but as it was, plopped into a season that overall