
People are roasting you, but the amount of people who have done voice acting who I've heard say some variation of what you just said is not a small number. That doesn't mean they don't deserve fair compensation of course, but in the rankings of job difficulty voice actor is pretty low from all the evidence I've seen.

I always thought it was just a Michael Rappaport impression.

Didn’t she get fat, or at least Hollywood fat, for Bridget Jones? She’s clearly just not dedicated to her craft anymore.

Nagoya, so Aichi.

Melanie Lynskey? God, I hope it’s not her I’m remembering since she was only 16 when she filmed Heavenly Creatures. But then, Thora Birch was only 16 when she went topless in American Beauty (barf) so I guess that's possible. For some reason.

Well, the internet says Kate Winslet weighs 139 pounds (how does it know? Does she have a 2nd career as a boxer?) So for her nudity to equal a ton she would have had to appear naked in 14.38 films. Looking at her filmography in imdb I only get to 7 I know for a fact, which might suggest I exaggerated, though there are

I don’t blame her for it, and she should be able to appear in films naked as little or as much as she wants without judgement. But I think the narrative, appearing nude leads to less professional respect, just doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Yeah. Kate Winslet gets naked a ton and is well respected and has won numerous awards. I get actresses don’t want to get naked and that many nude scenes are for sleazy reasons more than artistic reasons. But I think there’s more evidence getting nude will win you more awards and help your career more than staying

Britney being f'd up has nothing to do with Jamie. She has the right to her own life. If her angle is nothing but money for mah babies, then that’s fine. It’s her story. She can sell it as she sees fit.

Which is why it would be nice to see Britney refusing to take her sister to court. That would show she’s taking back over her life. Instead her lawyers are leading her by the nose into a frivolous lawsuit and she still looks crazy.

Everyone wants to feel in control of their life. But that doesn't give us the right to control others.

Doesn't Jamie Lynn have the right to control her own narrative as well? Why doesn't she have the right to tell her own story, which by its very nature will of course mention her sister? As long as no lies are told she has every right to.

Sorry. Benefit of the doubt withdrawn.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you just didn't know that service in the IDF is mandatory, otherwise this comment would seem anti-semetic as fuck.

I'm picturing the South Park surgery to make Kyle taller.

She really is terrible at getting rid of her accent. Don't know why she keeps getting jobs that require her to do so.

I agree that I'd like to see Spotify take down irresponsible acts like Rogan. But Spotify did pay a market value amount for this content and now the content creators want more money. And maybe they do, maybe they don't. But it's much more of a gray area than that the world would be better off if Rogan was fired into

They are paying for it. Just not as much as the other side would like them to.

Isn’t this “no true scotsman” logic? And I know nothing about the specific people in question here.

To me it really shows the weirdness of hollywood. My thinking as i read this story: ok, so he’s complaining he had to be naked without underwear as he got out of bed with the girlfriend. Ok, I get being uncomfortable with nudity, but if you’ve been fucking, wait. What? Tony was supposed to pull down the underpants to