
I can't comprehend listing Shadow Recruit second best. It was close to unwatchable. A poor Bourne ripoff. 

The show adapting the novels about making traditional fans mad made fans mad. Shock

I get your point, and it’s not a meaningless callout. But probably many bloggers are one missed paycheck away from being unable to pay for rent. I make more leeway for people making moral choices about their work in that situation than some guy like Jaime Kennedy who has made millions in his career.

Yeah, I don’t know how much Japanese people know or care about Q- It’s certainly not mainstream as I don't hear anyone I know commenting on it- But as soon as I saw their Japan expert was Matt Alt I immediately knew to doubt everything that followed.

I mean, having seen Battle in Heaven I wouldn't be that shocked.

I’ve looked down into an outhouse once in my life. That was enough for me.

You have a lot more faith in Scorsese than I do.

We can sue siblings for emotional distress? This is a game changing revelation. Better get ready, Eddie. Who’s going to be hitting themselves now?

Yeah, it’s weird that a guy who made his name on being retro has turned into a guy who so transparently tries to be appealing to young people of today.

Agree. I mean, if we only consider range when we assess pop/rock voices then yeah, Rivers doesn’t have a great voice in that regard. But his voice is distinctive and he can pack a lot of emotion into it, and for the type of music he makes that’s very important. So I have no problem with his voice, and I say that as a

Wait. Being drunk every day for 60 days is not good?

i could care less about it

On the contrary, I’d say not using our bargaining power to demand greater concessions from them before opening was myopic. As we can see with their continued grave human rights violations such as with the Uyghur, its propping up of dangerous regimes like the one in North Korea and their aggressive stance in the

Yeah, and it’s republicans who need to be listening to this and saying stuff like this. I’ve been trying to talk to my republican friends and family about this stuff the past 4 years and they turn off their ears. The only people they listen to is people in their own party. So yeah, I don’t agree with Arnold on 99% of

I really find it hard to think of opening relations with China as a good thing. They got way more out of that than we did.

and Ariel sang Part of Your World

I made a concerted effort to like Ariel Pink’s music since so many people raved about him and he does play a genre of music I often like. But I just couldn’t get into him no matter how I tried. Now I can finally have peace about not liking him. Thank you for being a jackass, Ariel.

Wait, avclub- how dare hollywood have a white actor voice a non-white animated charactor avclub- seems to be perfectly fine with LARPing as a Mohawk Ian?

Yeah, it’s the response to it that’s one of the worst things on the internet. Someone tried to do something positive and uplifting and didn’t nail it. Let’s shit on her and be assholes to her for daring to waste a few minutes of our time with something we didn’t care for. Boo! Fuck You! It’s basically the AVclub that

jackie would slap with a wooden spoon any hands that reached for anything more lethal of course.