
i like kendrick more but acting like fifty was never nothing is retroacting bullshit. get rich or die trying is fantastic.

as someone who grew up surrounded by, as you put it, rednecks and white trash, if you didn't see any signs of this, i've gotta figure you had your eyes closed.

what about gunga din?

yeah, its popularity goes back before that. maybe it had a resurgence, but the song was well-known in japan before that.

i’ve never been too clear on what it means for a show to be “smart.” you have to have been smart to make it? then most shows are “smart,” including quite a few that are undeniably shit. You have to be smart to get it? then most “smart” shows are bad. i really don’t know what a smart show is.

also boring

it may not be an unwillingness to talk about it. they may not have an official cause of death yet.

i don't know about katy perry, but mariah made me touch myself when i was underage.

I’m not a fan of their latest, just saying it doesn’t match your they lost their musical ambition and are making the same record over and over again statement.

you haven't heard their latest then.

It really doesn’t even have to be an English language dominant country. Many countries do subtitled versions of films.

The affectiveness of this movie as propoganda to join the military makes me believe people are primed and ready to join the military or ready to be anti-military their entire life and are just waiting for their trigger, with Top Gun being that trigger. Once I saw this movie I was sure I’d never join the military.

i find a person who says they have no regrets are either lying or a dick. i may have caused others pain but i learned from it so yay me! no regrets!

that's a big reason i finally stopped watching. at a certain point it just felt too much like wheel spinning.

yeah, i'd find Biggs' explanation a lot more believable if i hadn't found it rather disgusting at the time. 

And then abandoned them to play Skyrim.

He really would be much better in the sitcom world I think. Will Ferrell for 30 minutes a week would be a delight. But sitting down for an hour and a half of him is a chore.

i’d go with a biopic about someone who should not get a biopic- Adam Sandler stars as Jared Fogle in: The Spokesman

lol. objective tone? I phrased it as a question and also specifically “thinking” which is a word used in expressing ones opinion. My post was extremely subjective in tone.

so was i alone in thinking he was obnoxious, seemed to be from a completely different show and unfunny?