
that would also be a reasonable take. the adam driver is super normal because he can't handle watching himself take is pretty much the oddest way to approach this story.

because looking dehydrated looks healthy...

have you ever given up a role for moral reasons?

and his own

if you say so. 

i know this is controversial, but I actually liked force awakens and last jedi about the same, which is somewhere around return of the jedi level.

finally. someone with the courage to say only beautiful people should be in movies. don't we see enough ugly people in our every day life? i mean, even if the role calls for someone ugly, I'm saying cast someone beautiful and then just put them in uglyface. just sick and tired of seeing ugly people.

i'm ok with that too. as in, i don't really care what your gut reaction to things is.

and the world would be ok

not only a similar premise, but my reaction was similar. for both shows, i watched the first ep, wasn't impressed, but then friends kept raving about it, so went back to it and became hooked.

legion was really fun but seemed to be largely ignored.

i feel like war horse had some of that.

kinja sucks?

for some reason it never came to netflix japan. probably something to do with rights to the movies that are being used in it. so i'd actually forgotten the revival was a thing.

it's so well-made but so damn depressing i don't know if i could recommend it to anyone. want to feel sad for a month? watch show me a hero!

is that true? huh. living in a non-english speaking country, i often have a warped view of what’s popular. everyone from my circle raved about bojack season 1 so i just assumed it was a big hit.

times change, but it's not like there still aren't situations we can find ourselves in where our mind fights with itself over getting out of a sexual situation our body doesn't want us to get out of. It's still easy for me to understand the thinking even if the exact situation is less applicable.

200 bucks to fellate chevy? sign me up!

isn't originality part of not sucking? if someone wants to say the marvel movies suck because of unoriginality, in about 75% of the cases I'd say, fair enough.

i can't speak for joebloggs but i saved your comment to print out later and masturbate to furiously.