
i get people's concerns about being tried in the court of public opinion without your case being represented fairly. but at a certain point the accusations have piled up against someone to the point where you basically sound like someone defending Cosby in 2014. franco reached that point around 2 years ago.

i haven't specifically worked at PF Chang's but i have worked at places like it. honestly i always thought they were pretty fun jobs. if they paid more i probably would still be working in places like that. i think you're just stretching to take offense here. 

i’d kill in that category if they’d show a face and i could answer by saying, who's that guy who was in that one thing?

this is a problem i see sometimes in reviews of funny shows that are also poignant. while the reviewers will put up with extremely poignant episodes that aren’t really funny at all, they will shit on episodes that are hilarious but don’t cross some arbitrary threshold of poignancy.

libertarians are often liberal on a number of social issues as long as it means the government has less say in how they live their life.

kung pow was fucking hilarious. 

where's the fun in that?

parse that sentence again

so, messing up on snl jokes and laughing at her own jokes. jimmy fallon?

i won't go as far as to say the movie was an abomination, but to say it was zach at his best is insane.

i don’t disagree with you in what the end goal should be, but if they haven’t been taught that basic respect for people in general first, in my opinion you’re trying to get someone to read James Joyce when they’re still struggling with their ABCs.

But that’s being taught poorly what being a man is. It’s not caused by teaching binary gender roles. It’s caused by teaching men they have to act like a jackass to be a man. This is why I say you’re conflating two different issues. 

he's only two years older than reese so i don't think so. he's clearly shitty now though.

binary gender practices have nothing to do with abusing women. it’s conflating different issues. i was raised “to be a man” but this meant to treat women with respect and never hit them. the biggest trouble i ever got in was in kindergarten i hit a girl. that was the last time i ever hit a girl because my dad made

taking your joking comment and going serious, the episode where michael runs away from jan and gets on a train has always bothered me because when michael and jan are talking with michael in the train and jan outside it they continue to flip between shot of michael and shot of jan, but it's obvious with the way it's

yeah, the office became bad when the sappiness outweighed the awkward, dark stuff. this episode was probably the tipping point. there were some good moments after this, but it was not a great show again.

i think at that time his name was worth about 100 times more than her name, so being paid 10 times more doesn’t seem bad. the benefit of becoming an a lister is you get paid like an a lister. the problem with gender pay inequality is more obvious, and therefore better to target, when the two stars are in the same

you’re ignoring all the context he spells ou for you here. Hawke was a huge star at that point in time. it was an independent film so not a big budget. nobody got paid much for the first film. but because hawke’s name was attached to it more people saw it, so she could get bigger paychecks later.

i think that there is an argument that the majority of superhero movies are vacous. but does that make them not “cinema?” to say that would require making ones own definition of the word, and if we all do that then the word lost all meaning. but i think he either hasn’t seen the best superhero movies or is being

i'd agree but it's also why i think season two is overrated. the final episode is clearly a series ending episode, but it's so false and BS that it undermines everything that came before. Fleabag season 2 is simultaneously one of the best seasons of TV ever and one of the worst endings ever.