
i do agree the not committing one way or the other hurt the show. not because it was poorly written, but because that aspect felt unoriginal. Maniac played with that. Legion played with that. It feels done to death already.

as a business decision seems a gamble to me, as they have to find a new show to hook them on to keep them around. 

I’d think anyone who is familiar with Eric Andre would know it’s a joke. Now, who knows if they’d then find it funny or just annoying.

the splitting up into 10 episode half seasons has really been doing this show a disservice.

i don't know why but the elfo mishears things recurring jokes always get me.

he did give it a B when I felt it was like a C+ or so.

quit being wrong on the internet before you ruin its reputation

and in the end aren't we all fargo?

been looking for a way to possibly feel anything about this story but just can't.

it's how i strive to live my life every day.

season one was kinda fun although uneven. this preview does not look good. but i'll still give it a look

but when you leave room for only the super talented people in the 27 club it becomes like, 2 people. the 27 club just ain't the 27 club without the semi-talented.

every generation is so self-absorbed it thinks the other generations are the self-absorbed one. turns out, people are kinda selfish dicks no matter when they were born.

how do you know it wouldn't be self-aware?

hulu's in japan

it's a reality show

i don’t think that’s accurate at all. comedy by its nature becomes dated quite easily. an original joke can be so oft quoted and imitated it becomes stale or a trope. expectations change so what once was a well-crafted bit that skillfully played with audience expectations now seem hack because societal expectations

your counter point doesn't run counter to my point, and is just a parallel point addressing a completely different issue.

well, good. i mean awards are bullshit and the state of country music is bullshit, but if someone stands up and says just cos you slap a cowboy hat on don’t mean you’re singing country that's a good thing

if a black person records a country song it's called blues.