
Is this where we’re at as a culture now? Zoning out in front of the TV to stick it to the man?

i'm sure there will be ways to get around it. fighting hate is like fighting viruses. it constantly evolves and pops up in new places. but taking down the most obvious offenders is a nice, though long overdue, first step.

i think this r kelly guy might be an asshole

by that rationale you can compare elvis and sublime. it's not a useful comparison in any way. they're two bands fronted by males who are american. wow! same!

you're still missing the point. they were punished for the crimes they were found guilty of. if you want to say you have no pity for people who have bad things unrelated to their crime happen to them, well that's fine- though I don't know if that's the moral stance I can certainly understand that position and have

if you can’t get that a former slave owner who had never broken any law can’t be justly put to death on the whim of a tyrant, you’re probably unable to judge in a rational manner.

rhcp and sublime were in no way shape or form similar.

I admire the effort to bring back something that was surprisingly successful in bringing kids back home- but the cover of that song really sucks. Just really really bad. I couldn’t even make it to the part of the video where they show the missing kids.

it's almost like getting your historical information from a pop culture website isn't an effective way to go about it. next you'll be telling me that all of cracked's articles misrepresent history.

i said or, so i’m not saying being diplomatic requires you to do all 3 just one of the 3. so to me, i guess it would be fair to say she was being diplomatic in answering the question (diplomatic towards the journalist) but the answer was not diplomatic (which would likely be diplomatic towards tarantino), or i have no

because what's their to disagree with? a supporting character in a movie which we haven't gotten to see yet supposedly doesn't speak enough according to some people who are apparently screenwriting experts? I reject your hypothesis is actually the best answer to all this. i'm not much of a tarantino fan. most of his

i don't think anyone has forgotten it. but truth matters and this is not an example of him behaving badly. 

that is dismissing the response because both gracious and diplomatic require something to be ignored, forgiven, or unspoken. But you can see no sign she had any problem with the role. so it is dismissive and insulting to margot robbie and demeaning to her role and performance to act like she has complaints that are

wait until maisie’s career playing other characters doesn’t do that well and her asking price comes down, and they might revisit that idea.

i think 2 is most likely. but 3 is most fun when i think about what might happen after the ending.

the amount of handholding some fans need for this season is really mindboggling.

with the death of so many dornish nobles in such short order it’s likely that whoever is in charge now has a pretty weak grasp on power and fears a war more than anything.

i never watch the previously on and yet fully understood the “turn” by dany. Because as the previously on likely pointed out, she was always on the verge of burning shit.

see, i get that complaint. but all the “irrelevant” talk coming from the loudest complainers is drowning out all the people with complaints that don't make them sound like a child who has never heard a story more complex than dr. seuss before.

really that some people can't comprehend this makes their other complaints more understandable. if they can't even grasp why essential points to the story were not irrelevant, I wouldn't expect them to grasp other things which are logical but are not as explicitly spelled out in the show, for example that Yara doesn't