
well that seals it. i love the GoT ending now. anything that makes rodgers pout is a win.

that's a reach, internet.

that's what I've also been telling people. an unreliable history book from that era is more the rule than the exception.

As the people who are pissed about this season will remember once they calm down, even those TV Rushmore of shows had chunks where they struggled to live up to the high bar they had placed. I’d put Game of Thrones in the same strata as any of those shows you listed.

You’re not very good at finding morals to stories.

have you talked to a doctor? could be an underlying heart condition or trouble with blood sugar.

wasn't todd a paratrooper though, so didn't experience the beach landing?

people keep on referring to jaime's arc as if it's a thing that actually happened rather than something they wish had happened.

thank you. all these dummys acting like this wasn't baked in to her character from day one.

if jon sits on the iron throne at the end it likely will be very unsatisfying. but i wish people would wait for that to happen to complain about it.

so you think in war, killing prisoners of war who don't switch allegiances is morally ok. huh.


he is a 70 year old white guy, so probably.

if murdering civilians as a warning to others was good enough for alexander the great, than it's good enough for dany.

i think people are focusing too much on the madness aspect. to a certain extent, yes, when you butcher thousands of innocent people, it’s a madness, but it’s not an insanity kind of madness. If next episode we come back and she’s insane, then yes. it was a bad jump. but this was a strategy. it was a considered choice,

is the disconnect that other people think serve me or die is not the sign of a tyrant? serve me or be jailed? ok. serve me or be stripped of all titles and lands? ok. but serve me or die? come on. nothing says hello i'm a murderous tyrant like that ultimatum. and by the reactions in-show you can tell the people of

there was more than one suggested rape going down and the person I was replying to clearly was referring more than that one incident. also, rape by conquering armies has been mentioned in the show as something that is likely to happen. so you'd have to assume northmen are just intrinsically more honorable to believe

they fled into kings landing, not to her. anyway, it's not about who the commoners will support. it's about who the lords will support, and her allies in that regard were quickly dwindling so she chose fear over love. if sansa thinks all of winterfell and all the people living there will be destroyed by fire if she

i don't know, every time i rewatched the series i became more convinced that dany was going to do something really bad eventually. her constant refrain is that people will bow or burn and the throne is her right.

other than all the times she wanted to burn king's landing but was talked out of it by advisors?