
rickon tarly

I really don’t understand how much more legwork the show could have done without it just getting ridiculous. Burning a few smaller towns first?

Caught by surprise plus the the dead dragon had been wounded at Winterfell so wasn’t at its best. I still don’t think the surprise attack was well executed, but I think its believable that their abilities weren’t at their best in the previous episode.

I think there’s a difference between killing yourself to get revenge and killing someone, partially motivated by revenge, but also just to stop a tyrant from burning the world.

I love the “I hate it because it goes against where the characters were going towards!” BS I’m hearing. It went against where you thought the characters were heading. When it was earlier in the series everyone loved these twists and turns. Now that it’s in the endgame peopl are crying about losing out on their dream

Before that, I’d say. Season one even.

I really really don’t understand the “groundwork wasn’t laid” wailing. Wasn’t this made pretty obvious since like season 2? If anything I felt it had been made too obvious Dany was going to try to burn everything. My only question was whether someone would stop her.

In the end Gendry isn’t much of a fighter, don’t really think he was needed.

Finally someone who gets it rather than whining everything doesn’t make sense when the plot doesn’t go the way they wanted it to go.

I hate to break it to you, but the dothraki have always been rapists.

I’m a couple years older than Pete, and although it was still a thing in that I recognized there was a magazine named MAD and that there was a red haired kid who was the mascot, I never read it, nor did any of my friends that I was aware of. I got the feeling it was much more niche.

anchor steam can be good, but i sometimes get a bad one. but since i live abroad and only get them after import, i don't know if that's the fault of the beer or something the importer is doing wrong.

these are all good beers, though of course I could spend time debating whether underrated really applies to all of them. Boston Lager and Obsidian are both great beers.

i don't know if it's the case this time, probably not as this project never looked appealing to me, but sexism has been the reason for low RT ratings before.

you're not wrong that there's been mistakes in the storytelling, but that just makes when people complain about the things that aren't a problem more annoying. people are making me spend all my time defending GoT. i want to complain about the stupid things too! i just want people to recognize that a lot of their

with a strong inspiration drawn from middle ages tech, politics, and life.

or maybe its just pointing out that killing the big bad doesn’t mean living happily ever after. jon was the hero in the fight against the white walkers because he was successful in stopping the fighting long enough to deal with the night king. But just because the night king is dead now doesn’t mean everything is

people keep saying this about tyrion, but cersei not killing him in front of her own eyes by her own command was completely character consistent. she has had opportunity many times to kill tyrion, but when he’s up close and personal time and again she doesn’t. also we saw it with jaime, where up close and personal she

i think you need to either recheck when the middle ages were or recheck when the war of the roses were.

Leo Tolstoy?