
I imagine she knows he was in charge of making all the dragon glass weapons. I mean, I don’t know if they pointed that out to her on screen, but she must have known. Dany seems stupid sometimes but not that stupid.

Mormonts are gone now too, aren’t they? Barratheon died to the point where now an unlegitimized bastard is their only hope for survival. I just don’t see how changing the course of the war, leading to the elimination of major player for the throne, and almost entirely destroying the army of the Targaryeans and the

I think I had less trouble with the darkness than some, but the first twenty minutes or so was quite hard to watch. I don’t see how anyone can blame the viewers on this. It’s not as if people haven’t been watching this show and many others all along on the same setup. If they suddenly can’t see your long running show

If I can watch 99.9% of stuff on my TV with no issue, I’m not going to blame my TV or my lack of knowledge in the finer points of TV display tuning when something is a dark mess.

I agree about Robinson. As a performer he distracts from the comedy rather than adds to it too often with his “look at me, I’m funny” style, that you see most often in college kids doing improv. But at the same time there are genuine laugh out loud moments and quite a few chuckles. That combined with the small time

I guess maybe he can do anything afterall.

Does the telegraphing mean anything though? I mean, every single person in the battle of Winterfell had their death telegraphed but then not all of them died. And I’d say Margaery’s death wasn’t telegraphed, and that was only. what, maybe two seasons ago? Last season I’d agree they didn’t do a good job of surprising

Hard Home wasn’t significant?

For the reasons you mentioned I think it might have been nice for it to have been Jon. After all, it would be nice if at some point he does something worthwhile.

I may be misremembering but didn’t Stannis go to the North because of the wildling/white walker threat which is why he ended up losing to the Boltons? That’s a major consequence. Isn’t almost the entirety of Dany’s army dead? Isn’t that a major consequence? Isn’t almost the entirety of the North dead? Sounds pretty

I’m confused. How were they not the ultimate threat, just because they were dispatched before Cersei? It did all the things you say it was supposed to. But mankind prevailed. It sounds like the only way you would have been happy is with the Night King on the Iron Throne at the end. 

People act like that because they won that means that this wasn’t the real battle. No, this was the real battle. If they had lost, an army of undead with three dragons would have been unstoppable. This was the real battle, like people were saying. For storytellings sake, should the most important battle in humanity’s

The only discernable character trait the Night King ever showed was arrogance, so I thought it was a little fitting.

Almost the entirety of the North and Dany’s army are killed and that’s “casually discarding the White Walker threat.” Ok.

Mixed feelings. Had trouble understanding what was happening on the battlefield, but it was tense and kept me entertained. Too many characters survived when so few people overall survived, but then if more or less everyone we cared about was dead for the final battle with Cersei the stakes might feel too low. The

How is Theon not a major character. Jorah is fairly major as well. I do kind of feel like more should have died this battle, especially with how it was filmed, but to act like no major character died, seems to be ignoring the facts. I’d say the Night King was fairly major as well.

I kind of get the complaint, but the army of the dead was so overpowered it was either going to be that or a white walker win, and the Night King just wasn’t interesting enough to justify giving him the win.

There’s a difference between aunt fucking and aunts fucking

It’s not a bloodlust thing, it’s a basic storytelling thing. Named characters that the viewer has invested time in dying raises the stakes and heightens the tenseness of battle. Game of Thrones where no one dies is a deeply boring show.

Daenerys. I just don’t want to see any more aunt fucking.