
1) it’s all anachronistic language. have you ever read anything from the time period being mirrored? and to own one’s mistakes isn’t that new. I remember hearing it growing up. And its variant, own up to, dates to the 1800s.

I think we could see about 90% of the named characters at Winterfell die next week

since they’ve always been vague about how much time has passed and what everyone’s ages are it would have been nice if there had been a moment beforehand where Gendry said, “you’re just a child!” and Arya said, “I’m 19!”

i think tyrion gets killed by bronn. the way Tyrion specifically told Jaime that Cersei wasn’t going to be able to kill him now... Sounded like foreshadowing to me.

live through the next epsiode, probably.

as a strategy that makes sense, but really how do you get jon dany and company out of it without some sort of deus ex machina? Unless you think the night king wins, which would make the proposed prequel series even more irrelevant.

if you can't earn something by having your dick n balls cut off, saving sansa, saving yara, and then killing the night king I don't know what can save a person. I mean, sure, you could hold the red wedding against him, but that was just great TV.

if those are spoilers you quit watching season 5 so that's on you.

the night king’s army crushes the north, which makes jon + dany + small contingent retreat to iron islands which is now under the control of Yara. The army of the dead marches to king’s landing, killing Cersei. Jon and Dany attack from behind. Dany and one of her dragons are killed. A mortally wounded Theon kills the

well tyrion isn't british, so that's fine.

that’s kind of how I feel. he’s actually given dany a lot of great advice that dany ignored. she just seems to only trust him when he has a bad idea.

c: neither. she’s having some kind of fucked up monster baby through qyburn’s dark science.

for jon and dany find out, do they both have to find out? I think jon finds out soon, but he keeps it a secret for a while.

i really don't understand anyone feeling sympathy for cersei.

well I have it, but I seem to be mostly alone in that.

I just remember thinking “thank god” because this whole ridiculous faceless man nonsense could finally end and maybe they could get back to making Arya interesting again instead of boring.

so bad

with germany you’re right, but don’t see where you’re coming from with japan. they have war criminals enshrined at yasukuni shrine, although the official government stance is one of apology and regret they routinely have high ranking officials downplay and deny war crimes, and though they have many memorial sites

did anyone really not think there would be dragons? the eggs were a pretty clear case of checkov’s gun. there were gonna be dragons, it was just a matter of when.

that's a good point. by it's nature a story gives plot armor to the characters who are essential to the plot, so the real gift is in hiding who the essential characters are.