
now that you've finished stretching, we can really start

you're talking about how you like anime and that you've made justifications in your mind about the rampant pedophilia and sexualization of children in the genre so that you can feel ok about watching it. Don't worry, I gotcha bro.

it's not shitting on you to not capitalize marine.

yeah, all those pedo SUVs piss me off. And don’t get me started on fast food sexualizing children...

i really don't understand why Cantrell even needs alice in chains once layne died.

not allowing kids to have fast food? harsh, but ok, I'll go along with that.

stp were at times fantastic. they just weren't quite consistent enough to put out a classic album.

bush was always understood to be a grunge coattail riding band. but as those bands go they're pretty good.

you could have gone with the we can love art from bad people argument and i would have understood. you could have gone with the he’s dead anyway so it’s not like we’re supporting him argument and i would have understood. but you decided to go with a whataboutism that wasn't even factually accurate. huh.

damn, there be some nutters in this thread. nothing wrong with what you said, and I feel the same way. 

futurama introduced me to Pizzicato Five's Baby Love Child.

right? that was the part that always seemed weird to me and probably why I'm willing to just accept he's guilty now even though I believed him at first. What hate crime perpetrator has ever left their victim looking so good?

I’ll assume this is a case of Kinja making conversations impossible to follow and not you being completely unable to process sarcasm.

as a progressive christian i have to say it's actually really really hard.

if you’ve never heard Kiss Me you must either be very young or just emerging after more than two decades in a bunker.

jeez fey, spoiler much?

in the desert with no one but friends around?

celebrating a religious holiday with some friends is preaching?

go hawks

what's the point of having a full season review based on five episodes?