
uhh... is just acknowledging you’re religious classified as preaching now?

it wouldn't stop if I fell asleep cos I was bored as fuck was what I was saying, so just finishing a movie might not be the best measure of a movies popularity

by that description it sounds like it would actually be attractive to pedos.

the bot theory was a bot

until netflix can judge when I fell asleep their ratings are kinda meaningless.

clearly you weren't on av club last christmas. hating on wonderful christmas time was 95% of the content.

ray donovan has great moments. now whether great moments are enough is entirely up to you

i really don’t get av club. I mean, the number of times you’ve outrage parsed an apology, and then you’re ok with this bowing down and taking a cock to the face?

this is why SNL sucks. Right or wrong just have a POV and own it, you pieces of shit.

narrowing it down, it’s that “i can't explain, you would not understand, this is not how I am” that gets me

paul as a lyricist is a bit strange. He'll have one amazing lyric, and then in the next bit the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

can't decide if this means I was wrong to quit watching after season two or right.

i'm so badass i'll put a dirty word in my album title, oh someone doesn't like me using dirty words, I guess I can't say it then.

the name is also fun to say.

it was easy to follow. Kirstin Dunst killed Ryan Gosling and his dog.

so not only did he donate massive sums of money for a variety of good causes but he also helped create jobs as well? yeah, he was pretty awesome.

i avoided this problem by dressing like a man in his forties throughout my twenties.

i don’t know. Anyone who had spent any time on forums and boards before the SNS wave of places like twitter, facebook and reddit washed them away could have told you user behavior was going to be an issue.

i wouldn’t be opposed to letting my kid have a taste of whatever I was drinking or have a glass of something on a special occasion- once I felt he had reached a level of maturity that he could understand any lesson about alcohol I might want to impart.

why it's true