
also i know from watching friends, you can party your way out of high school just as easily as party your way out of college.

Finally got around to watching this. B- is pretty generous. Plot makes little sense, and characters aren’t really even characters, just one note plot devices, which if in the end the plot ended up being great, fine. But this? Dumb.

Try replacing any reference to ejaculation with references to farts and shit.

Your loss.

Nope. It’s 100% because nothing is better than making your kid laugh and you don’t care how low you have to go to do so.

If you read the Atlantic article you would know it’s not a white guy thing.

can’t wait for season two of this show. No show before, for better or for worse, has been so honest about puberty, and yet still hilarlous. In a way I think it’s likely got nowhere to go but down, but still, want to see.

as someone who is a bit of an authority on canada on account of having been there 3 times, once overnight even, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there.

wait what? *googles batman's dick*

i thought so at first, but then remembered Diana only became the princess of Wales through marriage. But if they ever show Charles he better be a whale.

with most bad takism I'm forgiving as it's often they're asked to comment on something, and just word some part unartfully because their ideas haven't been fully thought through. But to jump in and try to shut down your co-star's statement... Only Sean Penn is that big of a jackass.

he's damned either way, but one way he helps others and one way he only helps himself. I know which one I'd choose if I was in a situation wher I needed to make amends and/or demonstrate a change in behaviour.

but they'd take a donation.

are you sure you're not thinking of Signs?

this is why we can't have nice things.

this is why we can't have nice things.

this is why we can't have nice things.

this is why we can't have nice things.

this is why we can't have nice things.

this is why we can't have nice things.