
this is why we can't have nice things.

this is why we can't have nice things.

this is why we can't have nice things.

many yakitori places do a sasami which is lightly cooked on the outside, raw on the inside.

in japan pink chicken is a desired thing. people might look for different things in their food. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for people.

so it was. i can't keep my jimmys straight.

Oh my God, so you actually know how tsz is supposed to be read????

But George spends the rest of the series getting his revenge. I’m sure the man in the yellow hat regrets ever taking George from the jungle, which is allegorical for having children.

when my child fails to learn english I will blame this book

no one cares

i think you’re confusing

i’m generally a let people grow person in terms of scandals and such- but this is bullshit. You think all the complaints about you were actually that you didn't control other people on your staff? I would be more forgiving of a "I used to think it was ok for white guys to rape" excuse.

so the guy who petted Trump's hair is now playing hardball with Kanye?

i don't know. To me the ending of his arc was a little too neat and tidy for the show. I just don't know if bringing him back with a different actor is the right call. I've always suspected my fondness for the character is 99% Fontana's performance and about 1% how he was written. I guess now I'll have the chance to

the internet is stupid

of all the hot takes on radiohead in here, this is the only one that really lands.

godfather II was not a prequel, it was a sequel that added backstory

flashbacks are not prequels

and Zach continues to be underrated.

why do people believe prequels are a good idea?