
i don't think people think tom hanks from any one thing at this point. They just think tom freaking hanks.

not to defend NPH, because he comes across as an irrelevant jackass with that tweet, but in my opinion Rachel Bloom doesn’t come across as looking so great here either. So some guy didn’t recognize you. How insecure do you have to be to be beloved by millions and not able to laugh it off that one guy doesn’t know you.

What people seem to miss is that not everyone is a democrat or a republican. There are wide swaths of the population that are moderates, and for democrats to get back in control of this country they will need those moderates. Calling Ivanka a feckless cunt is the kind of thing that many moderates do not like, even the

wasn’t he essentially? i remember him being in a bunch of stuff. unfortunately, it was all shitty stuff though, while pratt has actually made pretty good choices.

As a character I love her. But her story itself this year has been pretty meh for me.

i think that will just change the discussion to what is ethical, and I don’t really care enough what you eat to have that discussion, but I try to buy local when I can and as much as I can afford to (true ethical eating is a luxury of the wealthy), and eat less beef.


nah. i don’t need my taco to be served with a side order of shit to know taco bell will give me diarrhea and choose to eat elsewhere, and I don’t need to see blood every time I eat meat to be concerned about the ethics of my diet.

although I enjoyed this well enough, I’m kind of glad it was cancelled. The story was largely told and the characters weren’t so interesting that I need to see what happens next.

i thought you were gonna tell me you discovered luigi’s dick size when you were 15.

please just tell me what you find so I don’t have to.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed the stupidity of how the FBI guy was captured.

AV Club today: J-Law has fun rum fueled interview.

I thought it was a ridiculous way for her to get to him. Probably the least believable thing to happen on Homeland yet.

Fans of things just suck in general.

On the internet??? Are you mad???

Insane game. Insane halftime show. The only reason I can’t say it was the greatest super bowl ever is that I’m a Seahawks fan.

Way more serious answer then you probably wanted: the first one didn’t really go into the resurrection, it was more a good friday film. A sequel could focus more on the easter aspect.

Well yes, but then what are they hiding?

Gob Bluth made the same mistake.