
The pylon cams are occasionally useful on a replay challenge. The skycam is bullshit.

You’ve just summed up SNL.

Did you read the article?

I just hate that people have started using the word umami. We already have an english word for it. It’s called savory you pretentious assholes!

I saw it in Japan twice and that wasn’t happening in my theatres. Just a normal movie experience.

Marasai, you ignorant slut. Once again you’ve missed the point entirely.

I like how hollywood is finally starting to realise reward shows suck.

Usually with these plagiarism lawsuits I find the similarities trivial, but with this one, wow. It’s pretty damn blatant.

If I was saying that she must have known and not said anything I would concede your point. But all I said is that it would be reasonable to assume she wouldn’t say anything. A pedophile doesn’t just stop pedophiling usually. By supporting Polanski she is supporting the abuse of young women. So yes, it is not the same,

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Adam Driver’s body looks weird.

The posters are stupid and who knows if she knew. But given her love of Polanski, I think it’s reasonable to assume if she did know she would have said nothing.

The original was perfect? Counterpoint: Look, sir. Droids.

And postquel-wise Rey is Jesus. It’s kinda the same.

There’s always inaccuracies but not to the extent of JFK. Some are pretty close to the truth as well, though usually they’re pretty limited in scope- Dunkirk, Letters from Iwo Jima, Gettysburg... Films like that are damn close to the facts.

Well that does it! I’m not going to Fox News for my music news anymore.

 the family guy had a tired joke in it? whaa?

Jesus, these reviews suck.

And Ford actually reacted to it as if he was surprised by the behavior. I’ve never read a review where someone so desperately wanted to hate something before.

Yeah, the whole “he didn’t condemn sexual assault in the terms I wanted him to!” attitude needs to stop. It’s so counterproductive.

With anime, just like any other genre, there are some cases of true artists who happen to have chosen animation as their medium. Then there is soulless studio schlock that is gross fanservice. Unfortunately, with anime, 99% is the latter.