
Someone has a japan-boner.

The basics of rural vs urban remain both here and in America. Yes, different countries are different. But there isn’t some sort of unrelatable divide between the two.

Yes, the US doesn’t have rural and urban areas.

Macklemore criticism is always so stupid. I mean, there are real criticisms to be made about his rap. But the criticisms I hear are all such petty, high school jealousy sounding bullshit. He is a try hard. He’s too woke. He’s too earnest. His haircut is too bad. It all boils down to, “You think you’re better than me?

Maybe there’s genius in this post, but I just haven’t made it past how wrong you are in your first sentence.

I love that Netflix has the option to skip intros. Some intros just aren’t worth the time. But I hate when they autoskip them. They even do this on some kids shows! Don’t they understand it’s ninety percent of what gets the kids to watch the show?

My two year old listens to a song that asks, “Do you like bananas?” “Yes, I do.” “Do you like soup?” “Yes, I do.” “Do you like banana soup?” “No, I don’t. Yuck!”

Although this season has certainly had some holes, the constant searching for holes by fans of the show has gotten pretty annoying.

She didn’t kill Tyrion because it would have spoiled her plan. Her plan was to have Euron act like he left her employ and secretly go get more men using the iron bank, then pretend to go along with Dany. If she killed Dany’s hand she couldn’t very well turn around and pretend to go along with Dany. At that point

I was surprised Cersei went back on her promise so quickly. I figured we’d have at least an episode or two of her playing both sides.

Yes, something. That something is not the show it’s the reveal of the plot point within the world of the show.

A spoiler doesn’t mean a show is spoiled. But you already know that, and you’re just pretending you don’t for... some reason?

I mean, if it didn’t come with a picture of Jon and Dany... But I guess if someone is an idiot this wouldn’t count as a spoiler.

You clearly suck at your job so I’ll pass.

A poor workman blames his tools.

Did anyone say the show was spoiled? You really should have stayed in school. Your reading comp is like 5th grade.

What grade level do you read at? Why do people keep talking about the latest episode? It’s a spoiler for the next episode, in a headline, dummy. That’s beyond the realm of what one should expect scrolling through a pop culture news website.


The site posted a spoiler for an unaired episode in a headline. How about not commenting on something you don’t know about?

The headline could still be Game of Thrones Director Confirms Rumor or some such. I agree the director is a jackass as well. But it wouldn’t have been that hard for the headline writer to not share spoilers to everyone.