
Spoilers in headlines, at least some things with AV Club haven’t changed.

I feel dirty. Will I feel less dirty over time?

My theory is Cersei betrays and murders Dany(probably through smoke baby) but something will happen between the dragons and Jon that will reveal his lineage.

I mean, one is queen over the other who has been known for burning people alive for not submitting, so the power dynamic does lead one to wonder if true consent is even possible in this situation.

My experience with pigs are that they're mean fuckers who would happily kill and eat you. So we're better off killing and eating them first.

I'd rather eat a turtle.

People kill and eat animals. It's not murder. Get over it.

This season seems to have been more CGI heavy, so I'd guess cost was a big reason.

The problem isn't that he survives close calls, it's that he's died and come back once already. I never believe that he's gone forever, no matter how close the call, since because he is so essential to the plot at this point (I mean honestly enough threads have been tied up at this point that if there was no more Jon

One of those smoke babies that killed renly. Cersei will try to kill Dany that way.

AV club: Acceptance of sex jokes aren't funny, Kimmy Schmidt!

You can tell the difference between dragons?

I don't know why people are so in love with this idea. She's shown no interest and his vibe just comes off creepy/rapey to me.

Well I won't because I've spent the right amount of time, but sounds like you might.

I like to think a game of escalating dares led them to divorce.

Also, it wouldn't be that weird for her to misremember how many brothers he had. She hasn't been following the Starks for years like we have.

"do yourself a favor and don’t worry about the timelines on this show. It’s too ambiguous to track, with events in certain episodes being nowhere near one another chronologically….
That being said, where the hell is the raven from the Wall about Bran?"

Yeah, in the end she'll be a bad ass zombie.

Yeah, all those "all religion is a cult" people should look at them. The cult of yeah whatever, do what you like?

Yeah, I'm highly skeptical of any mormon history I hear until I'm sure the researcher wasn't connected to the mormon church in any way.