
It's a surprise he's survived it thus far. I assumed his redemption would be more Vader in style- finally choose right and then die.

Sure, it goes both ways. But I was just commenting more on the fact that Tyrion isn't in a safe place.

It wouldn't be that random. He's now with a bunch of sand snakes who are known for killing Lannisters.

You're better off that way. My wife loves it so now I'm only allowed to watch it with her.

While everyone else takes a much deserved shrt on Shia lebouf(?)
Let me be the first to say, his performance isn't half bad.

That's what he was angry about. What are you doing wanking with perfectly good goats walking about? Some gods are pervs.

Too soon?

It could be said about all things, but it would be stupid to say it for all things.

This seems like a bad idea. But then, so did the Fargo TV show, and that worked out.

That's not too bad by hollywood standards.

Except that's the thing. Gloria did call him on it. Nikki did call him on it. The people who saw through the bullshit and called him on the bullshit were his enemies. This season wasn't just good vs evil, but truth vs bullshit.

At least early in his career he was good at it. I thought that joke was lazy. It felt like some guy just chose the one Seahawk he could name even though that joke didn't make much sense for him. Change Largent to Chuck Knox (an analyst would have been more likely to be talking about such things with a coach anyway,

I wish there was a day for fuckin dads.

How many minutes are wasted putting all those inefficient Us in words? No wonder US #1.

Season 4 will be set in a post-apocolyptic world where robots rule and mankind must hide in bunkers.

I think you need to rewatch Deliverance if you think that was Deliverance style.

That was pretty bad.

Yoho are probably the best ales by japanese brewers you can find in your average stores. Yona yona is good and I think their IPA, aooni, is great. Hitachino nest isn't so rare and they make some good ales too. I think the best japanese brewery for ales is shiga kogen though. Unfortunately, it's hard to find them

I'm not such a big fan of pilsners and lagers so that might be why I feel those beers are a pass. Of course in terms of limited beers that are readily available Brewer's Bar might be one of the best limiteds right now, but that's mainly by default. My taste runs more towards ales and the mainstream Japanese brewers

I think they should go with the retired cop investigates the mysterious disappearance of his wife.