
A lot of old movies are fun to watch only as an artifact from the past. But It Happened One Night is genuinely good.

Goddammit! Why did you have to mention Fry's dog? Now I'll be tearing up all day.

New York City pizza has to be the most overrated food out there. It's a mess.

Whew. I can finally stop worrying about his mental health.

And I would actually call your post worthwhile. It's just I say the jokes are also worthwhile. None of it is change inducing in and of themselves, but anything that raises awareness and protests the injustices being done has merit. All of it spreads support for those who are in a position to actually make change

And this comment is different how?

I really enjoy that style of game, but it felt clunky and the world felt small. The story wasn't enough to really grab me either. I keep telling myself I'll go back to it, but I never do.

Does this mean I have to get around to finishing the first one?

It is a thing and is delicious. Or was anyway. I haven't lived in Seattle for 10 years about.

I'm not sure what's in the picture. Sriracha was the common sauce on my Seattle dogs.

There's nothing worse than racism done wrong.

I don't think it was his best, but I agree it actually was a good movie, no matter how much hate it gets. People get too hung up on the twist, when the twist wasn't really important to the plot. If we had known all along what the characters discover in the end, I think it would have still been a good story.

I love imperial stout but have had very few rare ones because spending that much time and money to get one good beer when you could have many good beers instead just strikes me as ridiculous.

Have you met any teenagers?

Percentage wise I'm thinking about 35% have been child rapists.

At least that would finally be a question where the answer isn't, "Both! You can be both, you fucking idiots!"

An athlete enjoying a good time in Miami on his day off and capping it off with a boat ride? That's never gone wrong before.

The Seahawks defense has been pretty mediocre without Earl Thomas. Stafford could have himself a nice game. I'd say Lions beating the Seahawks would be the upset that would surprise me the least this week. As a Seahawks fan that makes me sad.

I wonder how many prank calls a day PETA gets reporting monkey spanking.

Maybe the Rams shouldn't be bailing out so quickly on every punt. Why should a team not take a first down that is offered them? This isn't peewee football.