
Took me a week but I felt the same way.

Season two was a misstep, but it still had enough laughs that I'll watch season three.

The reviewer for westworld was such shit. Hopefully they'll have someone else do it next year.

I know. I'm on the side of Dunkirk being a big deal, if that wasn't clear. I was just quibbling with the implication that Russia won the war because they broke hitler's army. I'm just saying WW2 was really a team effort, and taking away a part of the team, as the brits failing to evacuate at Dunkirk would have done,

But without any other opposition he would have had another army and more supplies to throw against Russia. Italy also could have helped more. And Russia wasn't exactly sitting pretty after repelling the Germans either.
I really don't see how an early British exit wouldn't have saved Germany from total defeat.

I stay away from facts too. So bothersome to my own special narrative.

Yeah, I thought it was funny, seeing the wire included when I just finished my annual rewatch yesterday. It's the perfect show for a rewatch as there's so much nuance not picked up on the first time, so each time my most liked and most hated characters change.

They're really good. Not 8 dollars a bottle good, but really good. They only cost about (does rough yen to dollar conversion in his head) 4 dollars a bottle here. Still expensive, but I'll get one from time to time.

In retrospect we should have let them.

That's not Sherman getting a hug from Carroll, that's backup running back Alex Collins being hugged, I believe, for successfully staying on the sidelines the whole game.

The give away was that they both seem to have paid taxes.

So you met Macklemore?

You have to be a comedian to be in show biz? But ok, conservative comedians. Drew Carey and Tim Allen.
Trey and Matt from South Park are on the record as hating liberals more than conservatives.
Not sure of his political persuasion but I've certainly heard Bill Burr mock social progressives before.

Yes like that clint eastwood fellow. No one would know his name if he wasn't a bleeding heart liberal.

As a guy who grew up on the west coast, anywhere along the I-5 corridor would be perfectly reasonable.

I'm giving quitting a test run. Last season's finale was so bad I decided I wouldn't watch and would just keep up to date by reading reviews, and if somehow they miraculously turn it around, I'll be ready to jump back in. From the sound of this review I made the right choice.

How long before there's a david pumpkins ale?

Charles Grodin.

Ichiban Shibori? Yuck.

There are some good beers in Japan. But if someone makes the generalized claim that japanese beer is terrible, I won't argue. The vast majority of beer here is bad. Then take into account how hard it is to get a good beer, for example I agree hitachinonest is great, but there is nowhere in my city of over a million