
I was wondering if you were going to stand by that or not.

are you disappointed that it wasn't an actual decapitation resulting in death? Is that really what you were expecting when you clicked?

Is the Charleston Chew frozen or room temp?

Me neither

I don't hope he had fun.

Quick! Look up!

Dude, you're in the NBA now. You can afford an implant.

Well that's just silly

I don't know, Samer. I think Dan Gilbert* makes some good points here.

Exactly. What's with all of the bullshit talking to experts and stuff and trying to figure how they can help from people who are knowledgable about such things? What a bunch of horse crap! Roger Godell should be out there stopping domestic violence first hand! Door to door!

I thought that plan had already been implemented prior to this game.

How fucked up is ESPN? Well, they managed to somehow turn me back into a fan of Bill Simmons.


I've read it a few times and I guess I keep missing the "mockery of the drug policy" part.


The amount of commenters who seem extremely concerned that everyone acknowledge that chess isn't a sport is kind of bizarre.

That's the dumbest thing I've read today. But it's early yet. I'll bet you can top it.

I see what you did there.

Could you please direct me to the part where we all absolved Gordon of any responsibility for his actions. I can't seem to find it anywhere although, admittedly, my desk is a mess right now.

Make fun of him all you want, but that dude can play the absolute shit out of a guitar.