mother pussbucket - YOUR MOTHER

I wouldn’t be reading Deadspin at all if it wasn’t for you, sir. Thank you for sharing this with us—I cried a little, laughed, laughed again, and then cried some more and I know that what I felt is a grain of sand compared to everything you and your family have experienced in the last six months!

My five and seven year old kiddos are going to go bananas for this. Pokemon is currently one of the few things they agree on, so it’s a win for me, too!

The standard chocolate cake recipe on their cocoa powder boxes is CHEF KISS the best chocolate cake I have ever made.

The real treasure is the bacon-wrapped water chesnut: halve the slices width-wise, press the bacon into a spiced (I like curry and cayenne) brown sugar, wrap bacon piece around whole water chestnut, bake just a little longer than you would normally bake your bacon.

I am your opposite--I find the video almost fun but the song is killing me.

How many times did she watch the video for “Now That I’ve Found You” before workshopping this?

His pestiness has really toned down the last season or two, which he attributes to a conscious effort to be better for his kiddo, but must also be that he realized how good a player he actually is.

After some distressing run-ins with Unspeakable’s brand of cool edgy prank- and jump-scare based Minecraft videos, my 7 y/o has found joy in Cupquakes. I don’t hate Cupquakes, though she does tend to repeat herself when she gets distracted by something; it’s nice to know that my kiddo is watching someone just having a

Rampant objectification and abuse of women at a company that makes its money adorning the object of your manly affections?

I very much want a DA4, but I absolutely won’t be playing it if there is a multiplayer online focus. That’s not why I play games. If I wanted WoW, I could just play WoW.

Yes, OF COURSE. The worst part, honestly, are those freaky Mickey Mouses next to the best tv.

OH NO what have you put in my brain augh

Hey, thanks!


I’m sorry you got bullied for a week but I’m also really glad you got spit on them.

There’s this episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that I watched with my kiddos wherein Rainbow Dash keeps pranking everyonepony and it’s super stressful for her friends (except Pinkie Pie, who IS INTO IT). The episode ends with all the ponies pulling an elaborate prank on Rainbow Dash to make it look like

ok ok AND everyday wear.

This movie came out my freshman year of high school and I ABSOLUTELY credit it with the confidence my too-smart bff and I had to be too-smart girls who dgaf what anyone else was doing. It’s a perfect movie that I can quote start to finish.

This morning, she noticed I had purchased a new pair of sneakers and when I said I couldn’t wear them yet because it’s been so muddy, she nodded sagely and then looked pointedly back at her cowboy boots.

I ALSO make her put on her socks by herself.