mother pussbucket - YOUR MOTHER

We discussed both of us hyphenating, but in the end the hassle of not one but TWO people changing all their financial/identity records outweighed our desire for real progress and I simply kept mine. We hyphenated the kiddos.

She still seems 100% chiller than wee Ariana Grande.

I love her. She went through other colors before deciding green was the best. And what a great shade! I feel happy looking at your kitchen, too, Green Lady!

Ah, yes, indentured servitude with a contracted and finite end point is exactly the same as slavery, in which the human-shaped chattel is fed enough to keep it working and if it reproduces, con: the female can’t work for a week, pro: more free labor!

There’s room for nail tips in a lifestyle brand. I’m on board.

Holy cats, no kidding. She is/was/will be glorious.

(or this. this is also fine and basically my aesthetic)

Here for Michelle Pfeiffer’s lifestyle brand, since I assume it will make me look and feel like THIS:

Some halfway decent LSD, I’d guess.


You’d think, right??

Undoubtedly. The point I was trying to make is that for most of the field, made up as it is by Dudes and Academics, this kind of thing would not even be a blip on the needs-to-be-fact-checked radar. It would be hand-waved with a sort of “oh, it’s more of that beauty witchcraft” attitude. I’m sure the Dude who first

As a Classics major, I can tell you with absolute certainty it’s because classicists are 73% elderly white dudes (“it’s a lady thing! who even fathoms the mystery!”), 12% middle-aged language nerds (“HOO BOY YOU WON’T EVEN BELIEVE THIS DACTYLIC HEXAMETER”), and 15% people who thought becoming Indiana Jones was going

Geena Davis as Poison Ivy? Oh, yes, please!

Oh my god. OH MY GOD. oh my god I’m going to hyperventilate right at my desk. Can I even? I CANNOT.

Hide your kids, hide your wife, also probably hide your guns since he can’t buy his own anymore, amirite?

Intelligent, plus, VERY much a workaholic, which is great for people who want to be president.



Oh my goodness, that’s so progressive! I bet that fund will have money to support the mother through pre-natal healthcare, maternity wardrobes, food and housing assistance, dedicated liaisons for middle-of-the-night snack runs, as well as continued food and housing assistance after the child is born, guaranteed job