Wouldn’t ‘78 have been a little late in the Disco Time? Is this a hilarious commentary on how behind-trend daytime TV is? I’m an 80s baby, so someone please tell me how funny this is and why.
Wouldn’t ‘78 have been a little late in the Disco Time? Is this a hilarious commentary on how behind-trend daytime TV is? I’m an 80s baby, so someone please tell me how funny this is and why.
This is a great piece and you are a brave woman. I mean, but also, thank goodness for the descending angels, amirite?
Luke Perry as a hot!dad is literally the only thing on this earth that could have persuaded me to watch this and now I am HERE FOR IT.
Thank you. I already presume to love the new Ghostbusters movie, but if SOMEHOW that line makes it in there....I may perish of joy right there in the theater.
This is absurd.
AHAHAHAHA that’s great also nothing gets through the senate.
All I needed was the title of this article and the screengrab to give me afternoon workplace happiness.
Oh, the bunsen burner! Same. I loved those books. I especially love the disapproving face of Grand Moff Tarkin on the cover, a resemblance I have only just realized.
No, and frankly the existence of this suit should serve as character evidence for the prosecution’s case.
With you. Don’t get it. But one thing I learned in nine years of retail, people that wanna be pissed off are going to be pissed off no matter what you say, how you say it, or what you hand them for free in the process.
Thanks! I would like to make one amendment, as stated below: “dregs of legacy”. Dregacy?
The proportions of this collection baffle me. I’m def into those stripes though.
Boooooo, bad form, very rude, lawyers.
If this is his Ready-to-Wear, wtf does his Couture look like this season? I DON’T GET IT, FASHION.
Oof, no kidding. My mom told me a couple of years back that she suspects I may have a half-sibling out there. My parents divorced 25 years ago and I STILL can’t muster the stones to ask my dad about that one. Cannot even imagine their process for dealing with the knowledge that daddy’s side pieces were non-consensual.
I hadn’t thought of that. What are the odds he actually gets jailtime, though? Wouldn’t the last “out of respect for your age/contributions/career” bullshit legal move be to confine him to house arrest with an ankle bracelet and lots of fines? Is that even an option? Where are the mandatory minimums for sexual assault?
Yeah— “dregs of legacy” is what I should have written.
“Pleasure palace” ew ew ew. But also, you are probably correct.
This is really the way he’s going to protect his legacy? Who is giving this man legal advice? Take your LUMPS, creepy old man. Take them with some fucking grace, you aged shitheel. Allow your victims some small measure of peace; pay the price for the terrible decisions authorized by your fame-addled brain and enacted…