mother pussbucket - YOUR MOTHER

Truth truth and more truth. It’s really just a terrible situation all around.

I’ve enjoyed it. I sort of stayed clear of the Bergdahl thing originally because I just didn’t understand it. Sarah’s doing a fantastic job unraveling and she’s been able to be a little more focused in her reporting than she was with S.1 because she did most of the research in advance.

I really feel for Hae’s family in this situation, because they will not have been following any of the developments to this case—why would they want to? Wherever the truth lies, they are being forced to revisit the worst event of their lives.

Now that I’ve seen the fabled Jeremy, Adnan’s new defense attorney, I can understand why Undisclosed’s Susan Simpson is fangirling him so hard.

[Ms. Fiorina] concluded by lighting the podium on fire, kicking it over, and climbing the twelve-feet-high, smooth obsidian walls quickly, gracefully, like a salamander, and then shouting several things that sounded like Russian vulgarities.

I am this very moment suppressing a loud guffaw so no one comes to investigate my office.

Rock that looked like a guy. Classic NH.

Mom goals! This is a great piece, and I wish I had the relationship with my stepmother that you two have.

Preach. I’ve had long experience with all sectors.

OH MY GOD now I know what to get everyone’s aunt for V-Day.

Oh, but isn’t Maine part of Canada? It’s, like, a province, or whatever.

The wall is the NH-Maine border.

Not crazy at all! The helpful folks over at yahoo! answers have summed it up pretty well, but here’s my favorite excerpt:

Don’t you say that where my m-i-l can hear you!

Bobby, let’s not get too real with this. Maybe they are besties and he is shepherding her about town to teach her the ways of playing Stern Badass Who Will Exact Revenge and Accomplish Goals.

You are the best and have the best things.

Wait...Future Farmers of America? Farmers? Dress Shoes? NYLONS?! I...I mean, have these people ever looked at a farm? An actual farmer? I am so confused. Explain, friend. Why aren’t they wearing sensible Carhartts and dungarees?

You’re saying then that the only wealthy dude he can be lumped in with is his own father? Indeed indeed.

Is that Andy Samberg leap-fiving an ocelot?

Did he do it for the...ladies?