Mother Of Unicorns

I’ve never understood the “I’ve been pregnant, therefore I am an expert on all pregnancies that have ever or could ever exist!” comments. I mean, do these people think it’s impossible for triplets or other multiple births to exist because they’ve never personally had them? Or that their smooth delivery means it’s

In my case, my mother was never emotionally abusive but her fucked up views about her body and her life have bled over to my own life. Like, she fat shamed herself constantly (CONSTANTLY. CONSTANTLY.), so guess whose voice I hear in my head pretty much every time I get near food? I cannot eat now as an adult, even

I knew someone who went to the hospital for extreme back pain, came home with a baby. Years of an eating disorder had caused intermittent and very light periods, she had gained a lot of weight(for her)in the couple of years prior to the surprise birth after having her first child. She had spotty bleeding throughout,

I have a friend who discovered she was 6 months pregnant with her fourth child while she was at the doctor to get birth control pills. She truly had no idea she was pregnant.

Yes, all fetuses move with the exception of death etc. Not all moms experience movement the same and some move imperceptibly to the mother. Again, different women experience pregnancy differently. The same feelings you feel may be entirely absent to another woman.

Because not everyone experiences pregnancy the same way. Some people get almost no symptoms at all while others get the full gambit.

That is just fucking ignorant. There are plenty of women with normal IQs who don’t realize they’re pregnant until late in the pregnancy but no one is taking their children from them.

I’ve never been pregnant, but one of my best friends was utterly shocked to learn that she was 6 months pregnant with her second child — she had a routine pregnancy test to get on medication and then vehemently argued with the doctor that there was no possible way she could be pregnant (her husband had a vasectomy

It is absurdly common for people to not know they’re pregnant until the the very latest stages. Seriously. They even made a show about it. It’s not an intelligence thing.

Woooooo, guess you better get cracking on legislation to strip parents of their rights for not being smart enough to know that they were pregnant, there’s more of them out there than you’d think. Here’s what I found in less than two minutes with Google:

There are plenty of people with average or above average intelligence that don’t realize they’re pregnant for a number of reasons.

Eh, in my opinion it’s a pretty impressive lineup, even though I’m not really a fan of the performers. I’ll still watch this weekend, and props to Ariana Grande for putting it together.

All snark aside, that is really nice and that collection of artists is perfect for Ariana’s fans

Um, I’m going to call bullshit on much of Debra Messing’s “allergies”.

I hope your child stays innocent forever and never has to grow up before his time. I’ve been holding back tears ever since I read this news but your post broke the dam. I can’t believe this world we are living in now. My wife and I want to have a child but I’m not sure I can do it. I just don’t understand people

I can’t stop crying.

I replied because I thought I could inject a bit of common sense.

Jesus Fucking Christ. If it is a deliberate attack (and signs point to yes, if the note on CNN that there was a controlled explosion of a second device is correct, but we’ll see), I finally, finally am feeling bleak about humanity. Yes, it’s taken this long. The dead and injured are likely girls 10-13. And yes, I

I mean, I personally think name tattoos are tacky and basic as hell. Like, girl, you do you, but don’t pretend like all-lower-case-cursive-name-on-your-neck tattoos are like, OBJECTIVELY better than a tweaked-out bear. People have opinions. Get used to it.

I hate to be Team Tattoo Artist, but just like you can decide where you want your tattoos, he can also decide what work he’ll stand behind and what he WON’T. Clearly you have artistic differences, as evident by your contempt of his other work. So why would you use him in the first place?