Mother Of Unicorns

Whoa, this is Goops assholeness turned down? I didn’t think it was even possible to be anymore of a pretentious ass.

He will wait til his blown out of his mind at 3 am.

There is a strong likelihood we are related.

Rumor is they do... badly. They’re probably offering him a huge raise and that’s why he’s had a sudden change of heart.

God damnit. I had the keyboard set on my old phone to autocorrect it. I need to reset or change my name back.

Exactly. I would even say that this has been happening as long as I can remember. I was born in ‘88 and I can vaguely remember the impeachment of Bill & I remember hearing how horrible Hillary is. That has been all I’ve heard about her over the past 20 some years. It took a lot of soul searching and research about

I agree but there is a reason why we are entitled to privacy in the voting booth. It prevents retaliation at work, at school or socially. While someone standing up and supporting their candidate is a good thing, not everyone is able to for various reasons.

It couldn’t have happened to a bigger group of assholes.

For some of them I’m sure Hillary wanting to repeal the Hyde Ammendmemt is a factor as well. Most are anti-choice and the ones who aren’t would have a shit fit if they found out they would be “paying” for people’s abortions. When it comes to SCOTUS I don’t think most of them really care because they don’t follow

I know a few of them. Most believe all the mudslinging Fox News & the right has been throwing at Hillary for as long as most of us can remember. No matter how many facts you present they still just can not shake the thought that Hillary is a liar who hates America. It’s ingrained in them. So all of them despise Trump


So lie & then vote how you want. No one will know.

I really want to be mad at him but maybe when Trump bombs again next week he will finally decide to vote for sanity.

I’m hoping that there will be enough in-fighting in the GOP that they can’t pull it together in time for 2018.

My husband never gets into debates and he is excited to watch Trump get wrecked. Tonight should be fun.

I don’t get what you’re saying? My cat is totally definitely going to live forever.

I don’t know if he will since Burnett is also the EP of the show Mark is on. I hope he does but I wouldn’t bet on it.

I guess my biggest worry is that as much as we want it to be, the US prison system is not rehabilitative. How much therapy has she had? Has she even had any? How can we be sure she won’t fall into another cult? Life will definitely be hard for her on the outside, she’s been in jail for almost 40 years. How will she

I don’t disagree that jail time will be harmful to her but she absolutely should not have unsupervised custody of those children until she has a clean bill of mental health. The fact that her son might have permanent brain damage due to his malnourishment is heart breaking.

Lovett is my favorite. His rant on Reince Preibus a couple weeks ago was absolutely amazing.