Mother Of Unicorns

Time to cancel my trip.

I looooooved my jelly sandals & flats as a kid. Like loved them so much I would try to wear them in the snow. My daughter loved the pair she had this year but I never let her wear them if she was going to be doing a lot of walking. Even then, when they came off she would always have red marks from them. In the


I wanted one of these couches for my bedroom SO badly. I bitched and moaned and finally my dad caved because he didn't give a fuck if it was tacky as all hell. I think I sat on it once and then my dog destroyed it. I wasn't even sad though cause it was awful.

That’s why the media ignoring them would drive them to the point of insanity. They are both narcissists and rely on attention like normal people need oxygen.

Besides her early Trump endorsement we haven't heard all that much from Sarah. She wasn't heard much from 2011-now. She tried to remain relevant and failed over and over again.

Pretty much the 35% of Trump backers will keep Coulter around until the end of time. Because let's be real, she is a demon and won't ever die.

Your last paragraph really brings it home. No respectable journalist should have her on their show. Her opinions are beyond vile and she is no more educated than your normal American.

When I see her all I can see is Voldemort. Honestly if JK came out and see Voldy was based on Ann I wouldn't be surprised. They are eerily similar.

-254884% chance. This is very bad but hopefully most of her money is locked down in a way so that her gold digger husband won’t be able to touch it.

I disagree her. She needs the publicity to sell her book, so even if it's negative attention if she can make even $1 more she doesn't care.

Free publicity. I knew she was going to be on a roast but I didn't even know who was actually being roasted. CC got what they wanted out of her.

Can we just stop talking about She Who Must Not Be Named? It doesn’t matter to her if the press she gets is unflattering, she just wants the attention. If we ignore her she will go away.

Maybe machetes have magical properties that keep clowns away? If so I need to invest in one, now.

Good life advice is never fuck with someone who has a machete. They have to be at least slightly unhinged.

I'm still waiting on my payday for my rape. Any day now...

That made me laugh on an article that is giving me actual anxiety. So thank you, you might have helped me keep an anxiety attack at bay.

I feel like this is the best case scenario. The alternative is there is at least one adult trying to lure children into the woods while dressed like a killer clown. That is the shit nightmares are made of. Since this is happening in NC & SC I'm surprised one of the clowns hasn't been shot yet.

The reason why I support this is because of the rape kit backlogs. As more and more of the kits are tested there is a good amount of proof there are serial rapists. At least in Michigan they’re testing kits well over 10 years old, if they find a pattern of a serial rapist in them there is a chance they won’t be able

What is this monstrosity?