Mother Of Unicorns

I got my first order from ColourPop this week! I am super happy with what I purchased so far. I got the Lippie Stick primer & Lippie Stick in Rocket which is a bright pink satin. What I love is the Ultra Satin Lip in Molly. It’s a medium purple and I love it. I have worn it every day since I got it. Ive gotten

I could have sworn that Johnny has said that he begged Amber to marry him. So I do believe that it is likely that he has at least been verbally abusive for a long time.

Wait this means I can't enjoy Fear & Loating anymore. :(

This is literally the only show I would ever watch on Fox News. Elizabeth Smart is so strong and has devoted herself to trying to better the lives of victims of sexual assault. She seems like an absolutely fantastic woman & I am glad she has a platform to continue to advocate for victims.

Pretty sure Nick isn't crushing on any girls.

Le sigh. I’m sorry you had to go through that :(

Goopy is going to haunt your dreams for comparing her to some plebs.

You're a stronger person than I am. I would die without cheese.

Hugs to you and your mom. My moms sisters did the same thing to her when my Papa was dying. It is definitely a hard thing to deal with.

Came here to say the same thing. The D-Listed story on it is glorious.

My cat threw up last night, probably because he thought of Chet Haze.

This is a good one. I have NO idea who it could be though.

I will forever love “As Long As You Love Me” and it makes me SO mad that it is a Bieber song.

I agree this is the hottest take of all hot takes. It was the only thing I could come up with that wasn't offensive to other people or body parts.

Justin Bieber is the worst.

I got a very nasty case of the flu my final week of high school. I spent senior skip day huddled under some blankets freezing to death while all my friends went to an amusement park.

The only thing I hate more than April Fools Day is pranksters. They're not funny, or unique it's just stupid. Or actual assault.

100% agree. I was so excited for Hawkgirl but after the crossover episode I was not feeling it. Their acting was awful & the show will be much better off without them.

I didn’t know about it either until he told me about it. We worked together and I used to see it happen all the damn time. It was worse when we would go out to the bar & drunk girls were all over him. As a white girl who hates people invading her personal space (I have serious social anxiety) I could never imagine

One of my friends cut his amazing Afro off because white girls wouldn’t stop touching it. It was fucking obnoxious. I felt horrible for him and he told me that as much as it sucked, he couldn't imagine being a girl going out because at least he never feared for his safety.