Mother Of Unicorns

Look obviously this guy is a douche face. He isn’t entertaining on Shark Tank at all but he did invest in a company that hopes to expand and help get girls interested in STEM. It is something that I would love for my daughter to get into. So I can’t hate on him too hard.


Every time. I have 5 of my favorite lip color. If I needed to put it on right now I probably wouldn't be able to find it. I have a problem.

If you decide to try the Urban Decay pencil liner the color you want is Perversion not Zero.

I use the NY Times recipe. I uses gin but isn’t overly gin-y. I do add a little extra lemon juice than the recipe calls for.

I am currently on nothing. I was on the pill for 7 years & my hair started falling out after changing to Seasonique Lo, so I stopped taking it. Since I had my daughter in 2014, I had Implanon in my arm. It was great for the first year & some months. Then it turned, I had a non stop period for 3.5 months until my

:( I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the feeling of having a pet whose health isn’t great but their death is still sudden. Do whatever feels right with her ashes & collars for now. If the time comes to scatter them, you’ll know you’re ready.

That XOJane article really got to me too. My depression and anxiety already make me feel like a burden & ugh fuck everything. It worries me that someone who is at a low point might think oh yeah everyone who loves me is definitely better off if I’m gone. It validates a lot of dark feelings.

I haven’t had a real vacation in years, most of my trips involve going back home to see family and friends.

I went and read the texts from him, what a creeper. Anyone who says they’re a nice guy is most definitely not.

I haven’t, but I will. I need some new shows to watch now that most of my stuff is wrapping up.

I love the beauty thread.

I love it. So gorgeous :)

Game of Thrones & Silicon Valley are so good. I love Last Week Tonight as well. I actually learn something every week and it makes me feel smarter.

Are you using a pencil or liquid? I love Urban Decays 24/7 pencil liner in Zero. It is the blackest pencil I’ve found, I have been using it for a couple years now. You have to get Zero though, they have another black that tends to not be nearly as dark and could have a blue tint to it.


I love shiny lip gloss. Though with my skin tone I tend to think berry & burgundy colors look best. I don't mind matte lip colors but I agree the nude look is just not flattering.

I think the real story here is that she isn’t using Kylie’s lip glosses.

You are.

Do we have the same best friend? Mine is in a very unhappy marriage and has turned to those same type of sayings. I'm trying to be as sympathetic as possible but then I remember she kind of just ditched me in the middle of my horrific PPD last year & I just get annoyed.