
I'm not sure a Future release has been a surprise in a long, long time.
He has a bunch of money, sex, and drugs. He is very sad but he simultaneously wants you to be impressed by his lifestyle. Repeat for eight to twenty tracks.

*Austrian guy

I believe it.
I hadn't heard about any other bands she was involved in but I met her a couple times and was friends with her on FB for a while and she's definitely…

So was Jared Leto before the whole Joker thing.

Oh hey, this band!
A girl who was sort-of-famous at my college used to play with them, and then a whole lot of drama happened that friends-of-friends got caught up in. I really only knew about them through her, I didn't know they were big enough for the AV Club to cover.

Well, cows died anyway.

What is it the kids say? "I fucking love science"

I mean, I like being hurt in a sexual context, but that doesn't mean I'd be turned on if someone just randomly walked up to me and punched me.

You wouldn't happen to have a genre term for this? Or maybe one or two actresses who specialize in it?
You know…

The former, ideally. But I would be amenable to either.

I mean, I wish there was more crying in porn scenes.
I don't have any deep thoughts on how the industry could be better or anything. I just wish my kink was better represented.

Hercules Mulligan, I need no introduction. When you knock me down, I get the fuck back up again.

But you don't get a win unless you play in the game.

It's not really Crystal Castles without Alice though, is it?

Alice Glass left. As I understand, the band lives in a Frances house now.

Is it just me or is Adele basically just a really soulful Rebel Wilson character?

Mr. Albini always sounds like that. Even when he's completely right, he just doesn't know how to sound any other way.

This plan sounds foolproof!

That's true. All the seeing what they did with it with none of the Edgar Wright fan guilt.

I can't go to FNM, I'm not even modern legal!