
Makes sense it would have been pegging. J-Law seems like a total top, and Chris is probably one of those "whatever you're into, I'm just happy to be here" kind of guys.

It's not that they can't, it's just that it's much more fun to imagine they don't.

Pepperidge Farm remembers…

I haven't cried about a celebrity death quite as hard as I did when Chuck Berry died.
I know intellectually that he was old and that the fifties were a long time ago, but his songs were a constant soundtrack to my childhood and I guess I sort of thought he'd always be as young as he sounds on those records.

Roberto Benigni is such a charming, funny screen presence that I wish he would make more movies that didn't make me super uncomfortable to watch.

Last 6 albums I heard (in roughly reverse chronological order):

Isn't that Tommy Wiseau in the header picture?

I'm so excited about this record! I found her first EP on Bandcamp a couple years ago and it's gotten me through some really shitty days.
I was kind of surprised by all the synths when she started putting out singles, since the first tape is all lo-to guitar stuff. It's a really cool unexpected extension of her sound.

I'm honestly at the point where I couldn't imagine the album without When The Tigers Broke Free. It's a great addition, and maybe it's just my being a military kid, but it always makes me cry.

I mean, I guess? It just pulled me straight out of the episode. I went from "DAMN IT MARNIE JUST GET OUT OF THERE" to "Wait… did I just wander into a different show? What's happening now?"

Same. It was one of my dad's favorites, so I sort of grew up with it. I was shocked when I found out it's not widely liked. It's a beautiful record.

Is it just me or was the background music unusually heavy-handed this week? Like the horror movie cues on Desi's freakout were just ridiculous. And the sad piano a little a later wasn't much better.

No matter how many more he releases, Roger Waters' best solo album will always be The Final Cut.

Well… well… Oliver Cromwell…

I believe she's referencing the famously bad anime.

You and me both, buddy. :-/

I don't know, man. He's not super technical, but his delivery's pretty well suited to the music he makes. He raps about being a barely functional depressed addict, the mumbling lends that authenticity and the autotuning lets him stick melodies on it so it doesn't get dull.

It's definitely a lot of rap nowadays. Yeezus and 808s were shockingly influential these last few years. Anhedonia's super *in*.
Happy upbeat party rap isn't as much of a thing anymore, it seems like all the popular stuff has that "sad drunk but still dancing" vibe.

Yeah, he's Curren$y-level prolific and maybe even more consistent, which is a hell of a task.