
I think Amy Schumer's obnoxious, but I kind of want to financially support a rom com that has Bill Hader as the male lead.
So fellow Amy Schumer non-fans, when I buy a ticket to this, should I go see it or just watch Inside Out a third time?

Good thought. Though I'd probably end up more focused on the music than the kissing, which maybe defeats the point.

It felt like one of those times where you're only joking because you know the other person isn't interested, but there's still a weird spirit of hope behind it.
I feel like Carrie wouldn't have made the joke if there wasn't the tiniest (maybe unconscious) hope that Corin would be totally into it.
My heart stopped too,

I don't even dislike that album, it's just very not sexy. It's library music. You know?

Does it though? It seems to me more like music for sipping tea and trading cat pictures and wearing those awful fake scarves that are really just big cloth necklaces.

Go-to make out album, Disintegration by The Cure. Or Pornography if she's weird. But always The Cure.

I feel like it is actually weirder to make out to Kids With Guns than Kiss With Tongues.

If I were a person who didn't get bored with things almost instantly, I would start a novelty account that responded to everything with poems. If I did that, I would post here Eggs Norwegian by Track K. Smith, which is like this comment in reverse. I suppose there is nothing stopping me from posting it now. Here:

I saw them in Vancouver, it was magical. I have legitimately never a seen another band with that kind of godlike rock star energy. IDK about love headbutts, but Carrie did whisper in Corin's ear during Modern Girl, which was really cute. The show was just so fantastic all around.
The crowd was cool too. There was a

I love that Carrie's just doing her cool single aunt thing and trying to give the advice she wishes she'd gotten while Corin is all "worried mom who's just really concerned about you".
It's exactly what I expected, but it's pretty great.

"Annoying enough that you know they're supposed to be annoying, but not enough that you actually dislike watching them" is Amy Poehler's specialty.

I had a friend actually summarize Inside Out with "If Joy had just imposed martial law and made sure Sadness stayed in the circle, none of this would have happened."

Somebody in one of these threads a few weeks back suggested a spin-off where grown-up Sally is a senator in the mid-to-late 80s. I'm still holding out hope that someone at AMC will see that idea and make it happen.

Have you actually read any fairy tales lately? Kinsey's death sounds like the most fairy tale ending of all.

That fits right in with all the fanfiction.

Two bands? That's poser talk!
What part of "only The Meteors" don't you understand?

And according to this article, I've been wrong for calling The Living End psychobilly all these years because they sing about politics sometimes.

I think you misread the review. Rama Bushtein, the director of Fill The Void, had nothing to do with this. It just has the same lead actress.

I don't know, how many?