
At the Chelsea Hotel, of course.

I got a Parenthood notification for this?

I discuss pre-war European politics a lot, but I've never smoked pot.
I wonder it how would affect my attempts at discourse.

No, no, that girl he bumped into, ass first, the last time he tried dancing.

To be entirely fair, fuck Ray Parker Jr.

Earlier today, while discussing with a friend the attractiveness of Maika Monroe, I said "She's got that quality where you see her and you wonder what she looks like crying, you know what I mean?"
My friend did not know what I meant. He did not agree that certain people cry in an attractive fashion. He in fact seemed a…

Dude, you went to college with Taylor Swift?

So at what point will it be socially acceptable to find Kiernan Shipka attractive?

I really miss Passions. I wish any of the trashy dramas currently airing were even half that fun.

I'm actually really curious to the 50 Shades score.
I mean, Danny Elfman's at the point in his career where he doesn't need the money anymore, so I'd imagine he's doing kind of a "scoring the movie you wish you had rather than the one you actually do" thing.

To be fair, by Hollywood standards, Charisma Carpenter was old enough to play the mom of someone Cordelia's age for most of the time she spent playing Cordelia.

It took me a second to realize that you were not referring to some expanded universe storyline wherein Riley, Dawn, and some kind of Spike/Buffy hybrid had a three-way.

Just use Google, save yourself the pain.

Chris Christie?

Would that really be such a bad thing?

Your shirt…

Well, I'm in.

Lex Luthor *did* win the presidency. And I think he even got re-elected.

I actually desperately want to see that.

You know how Canada was named, right?