
That depends.

I never *hated* Eric, though I did always identify with Red.

Based on how my great grandparents use them, I believe both are Yiddish.

Warm Beer, Cold Gin is one of my favourite Tom Waits songs. Right up there with Innocent When You Drink and God's Away (On A Bender).

Oh, right. And wasn't there a like thing about a competition or something where girls got points for sleeping with unpopular guys? And so the two main characters get laid by the same girl because they have no friends?

I hated King Dork as a teenager.
It struck me as all very special snowflake. "Look at me, I'm so cool. I listen to obscure music and hate 'normal' people."
And it's weird because I was exactly that kid. I shouldn't mind being pandered to quite so specifically as that.

The 2016 RNC is within a couple weeks of the 2016 Gathering of the Juggalos.
Since Rabin's long gone, can we just send Aubrey Plaza to both?

I'm going to guess the same way certain other billionaires reconcile their Christianity with their unethical business practices and "fuck the poor" politics.

Lawrence of Arabia had a detailed (and weirdly masochistic) rape scene in his autobiography that is widely agreed to have no basis in his actual life. So, you know, it's not without precedent for people to just stick slash fics in the middle of their memoirs.

Honestly, I'd forgotten about her entirely. I suppose that is, in itself, a pretty damning criticism.

Again, I wonder if any editors ever saw this book. I know Lena Dunham isn't the kind of famous person who has an image consultant or whatever, but you'd think somebody in the process of publishing the thing would have looked at it and said "You know, I appreciate your whole no-filter thing, but could you maybe be a

Season one was good. Season two was, I thought, incredibly hit or miss (but I thought it's high points were higher than any of season one). I actually really liked season three, mostly because I've always thought the fun of the show was watching the characters very slowly develop self-awareness, so any motions in the

God bless those psychiatrists if they're still at it. I'm glad somebody was willing to take one for the team.

The people condemning Dunham for the actions themselves do seem misguided. But her complete lack of self-awareness in the present seems, as always, fair game.

Academic-style language creates distance. It separates you from what you're talking about, it separates you from the people you're talking to. It's comforting, it keeps you from having to address things directly.

Quick informal poll: With all the current discourse about Lena Dunham's memoir and the creepy bits it apparently contains (or more importantly, the way she went about addressing those creepy bits), how many of you who watch Girls are planning to stop?

"it's probably not long before she starts calling herself a golden god."

Grace has, in the past, said she's fought with Lena about involving her (that is, Grace's) personal life in her (that is, Lena's) work. I don't think she's unaware, I just think she doesn't want to criticize her sister in public. Family is family, you know?

"Her sticky, muscly little body"

Honestly, a life of being "interestingly" parented explains quite a lot of Lena's current personality.