
I am here for this GIF. Thanks, Bobby!

It’s not the author’s choice, it’s the candidate’s self-identification/political branding—albeit a somewhat surprising strategy given the popularity of the “My ancestry is 100% white Hispanic” position in local (New Mexican) politics.

I think to put it in one sentence: It does for me what religion does for people of faith.

no one cares

I like that interpretation (as it at least accounts for continuity), but the context (The list starts out, “Our sources inside Gilead have confirmed the names of the women killed in the account...These are the deceased”) clearly suggests otherwise. I also got the sense (though this was much less explicit) that Moira

Opioid addiction in America has been proclaimed a crisis

Dude, it’s a comments section for a celebrity gossip-oriented column on a pop culture news blog known to prioritize women’s perspective. If your hand wringing about a few angry comments being a threat to American culture’s ability to talk and teach and grow as a society isn’t just bad faith posturing for the sake of

Don’t get me wrong—I definitely read my fair share of Animorphs books, although some of that may have to do with their accessibility through school libraries and friends’ bookshelves. I read all the time and I was an incredibly fast reader, so always looking for more grist for the mill. I seem to remember them

Just remember that the title also functions an abysmal attempt at word play. She’s not just “Running Out of Time” because the kids will die if they don’t get modern medication soon, she’s escaping/running away from the past to the future. So deep.

Both the premise and twist are weirdly similar to a young adult novel called “Running Out of Time” (, which I read in like fourth grade and found similarly cringe-worthy then. (To be fair, this was partly because the original author out-Shyamalaned

Now playing

I think his voice is actually a little higher?

This was funny because it may be the first time in my life I did not catch a drug-related pun.

Oh, no. Why?

What makes you qualified to decide who can and can’t be credited as the phrase’s “originator”? I mean, for all we know, Esther could have been drawing on local idiom or some long lost religious tradition as a way of reminding her audience of their shared Jewish heritage or lending her words additional gravitas.

It mentions she’s not religious...something tells me that plenty of people have uttered the words, “If I die, I die” without any sort of exposure to the Bible. People come up with the same catch phrases independently all the’s the nature of language.

The Lady Bird angle definitely felt more tacked on given the rest of the article’s focus on how these movies improve on previous Spanish/Latin American tropes/formulas, although I know the main characters’ relatively privileged position was put front and center in a number of other recent pieces that compared it

Honestly, if anything, I felt like Lady Bird’s ending gave the mom too much credit. Sure, Christine and her mother were both shitty to each other, but I firmly believe that adults should be held to a higher standard than children, whose brains are still developing and whose perspective is limited by their minimal life

I quickly realized the movie was not made for someone like myself to relate to. Sure, the straight-forward issues a white teenager-in-Sacramento-who-then-moves-to-NYC-for-college faces are valid, and I’m glad people were moved. But what about the non-white teenager who grew up with an ill mom and isn’t able to express

Unless you read the statement as tacit confirmation that Tennessee’s conservative lawmakers see non-white, non-Christian people as something less than fully formed and developed human beings...

So people are only supposed to criticize cultural trends that occurred during their lifetime? We’d better go tell all those historians writing about slavery and manifest destiny to slow their roll.