I blame Sunset magazine.
I blame Sunset magazine.
Crystals, for example, aren’t really an American Indian thing, at least not the idea that buying a crystal will heal your individual spiritual or psychological ailments.
While I agree that complaining about sending compelling characters to senseless deaths comes across as willfully obtuse in the context of this series, positioning “that’s the way it was in the books” as the answer to any and all criticism of artistic decisions regarding the show’s theme and/or tone doesn’t strike me…
Hey, now, I have legit had to do this with Q-tips. The new “collapsible” plastic applicators are NOT fully functional IME.
I am...reluctant to publicly admit how far using the Violent Femmes’ “Add It Up” for the trailer went towards getting me excited for this movie.
...poor Skyler White from Breaking Bad...Carmela Soprano. Women who just wanted to keep their families safe and whole.
Hell, in Dante’s Inferno, has nine circles/levels, not seven—so no, I do not get it.
That’s a pretty high price tag to put on one of the world’s cheapest and easiest DIY projects.
That’s what I was thinking, too. Now we finally know why there was so frickin’ much of him—the producers wanted to get their money’s worth.
I also don’t think she should take the test, but my reasoning is somewhat different. “Native American” identity isn’t genetic, it’s cultural. If Warren’s “family lore” has inspired her to be a better ally to the tribal nations still scattered across the country, then great, but otherwise, as far as I’m concerned,…
I got the sense that this study was significantly larger and better controlled and therefore more reliable than the older, smaller studies—which were also performed as rats, as noted in the lines you quoted, so I’m not sure why it would only be a problem for you now.
Too bad the latest research says BPA isn’t actually that dangerous: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/02/23/588356360/plastic-additive-bpa-not-much-of-a-threat-government-study-finds
FOR REAL. Especially since most Jezzies are ALL FOR cultural relativism when it comes to pretty much any other topic (not that I’m necessarily complaining about that).
Haha—yeah, IIRC she stopped eating and speaking completely after the lobotomy. Pretty hard to portray that in song—some sort of dance or instrumental interlude, perhaps?
If I remember correctly, the specific details of Peron’s illness (i.e. that she had cancer—basically, all she knew was that she was sick and it had something to do with being a woman) were withheld from her as well as the public to keep everyone from freaking out, so there may not have been much documentation to put…
I wonder how he would have handled things had the cameras *not* been there. It’s one thing when you’re trying to convince yourself and the person you’re breaking up with that you’re still a good/nice person—knowing that several million people will witness this interaction really ups the stakes.
Fun fact: Juan Peron had Eva lobotomized without her consent or knowledge in the weeks leading up to her death—ostensibly so that her intractable cancer pain wouldn’t cause as much anguish (a not entirely uncommon practice back when doctors were afraid to use pain medication too aggressively), but also possibly to…