Mother of Dachshunds

When I was about 12 years old, my dad took my brother and me to Vegas for a weekend one summer for some inexplicable reason (male bonding?), even though I was too young (and already too gay) for strippers and couldn’t gamble. My brother was older, so he and my dad spent the day gambling at Caesar’s Palace (where we

So I hope this doesn’t get buried but here goes anyway...

Similar story! I lived in St. Catherine’s, Ontario during the time Leslie Mahaffey and Kristen French were abducted and murdered by Paul Bernardo. Kristen French was my best friend’s cousin, and was abducted from the same church parking lot where I used to wait after piano lessons for my mother to pick me up. My

Five year reader, first time poster! This is my one and only IRL ‘paranormal’ experience, probably because I’m a hard core skeptic.


I posted this back in 2016 - I missed the cutoff, but I threw it into the comments. Here again to try for real!

When I was 19 and little more than a child myself, I was beaten up savagely by a gang of kids who were clearly very high on something. What that left me with, aside from a bald spot in my hairline that never sealed back (dragging someone across gravel by their plait will do that) was what I’d come to realise much

This story is to remind you that, for women, routine is actually dangerous.

This is my mom’s story. It happened in the 90s when I was a kid, and it was the creepiest story I remember her telling me, and she had a few.

Yessssss- here.we.go. My story is longer, sorry y’all! Meet Stalker Pierre.

It was a hot, dry summer in the 1970's and I was precocious pre-teen. My parents were likely going through a bout of their usual martial strife and always looked to farm me out (literally) for several weeks of the summer to my cousin’s place in the country. A very rural area, plenty of farm and ranching land, but

This is my sister’s story but I’m sharing it with her approval. Our dad died when we were kids (I was 13, she was 8). Since then, there had been a few sightings of him-nothing scary, he was just checking up on us. When my sis was 19, he showed himself to my sister-in-law (she can see ghosts) and told her he was

When I was in my early 20s - circa 2003 - I lived in a suburb of Atlanta that was generally considered safe to live. Since I was 18, I had always lived on my own in various apartments. This was my first ‘ground floor’ apartment, and I remember talking to my mom about it and receiving a warning about the added dangers

Maybe I Should Have Listened to the Ghost

I should preface this story by explaining that I grew up in England, so everything is old as balls and creepy anyway, but this is the story I can never tell without getting shivers of dread all up my body.

When I was in my mid teens, my parents moved out to a small rural

This verbatim a submission I sent in to My Favorite Murder as a hometown murder story. It wasn’t picked up by Georgia and Karen but maybe it will get seen here:

So this isn’t the scariest thing, but it just happened so I figured I’d share.

This one happened to me a few years ago when I was in my early 30s. I live in a Southern California coastal town near a major university in a populated city but close enough to wilderness areas that encounters with skunks, possums, and raccoons are a daily/nightly part of life.

I have a somewhat timid pitbull (a

When I was around ten years old, I had some friends at my house for a sleep-over. My parents were out for the evening, so we were in the care of my Noni, my Italian grandmother, who divided her time living with us and my two aunts. We decided to play with a Ouija board and scare ourselves. We huddled in my bedroom, tur

A couple summers ago, I was visiting Seattle for work. One weekday afternoon, I had some free time so I went to visit the Seattle Art Museum. Being the middle of the day, there weren’t a lot of patrons, which was great.

I submitted this last year, too, because it is the best dang spooky thing that ever happened to me.