Mother of Dachshunds

Yes, yes, all of my yes! And I also hope that a better understanding of “why didn’t she report back then?” extends to how we’re perceived when we report ALL forms of disgusting behaviors we are subjected to.

This is really bad but I was secretly hoping, considering how much yelling Kavanaugh was doing yesturday, that he would go home and drink himself silly and either get into a domestic disturbance or arrested for drunk driving. 

I didn’t realize how much this needed to be written until I read it. My god.

She wasn’t a Senator to him, she was just like the girls in high school and college. They don’t deserve his respect.

No lawyer who wants to remain employed and licensed would speak to any judge the way he spoke yesterday.

Grey here too. It’s both heartening and heartbreaking that yesterday, the National Sexual Assault Hotline got a 201% increase in calls during the hearing. 

The thing that got me the most is the VAST amount of people who are hand waving it away.

Republican regular men and women who assume that sexual assault is just something teenagers do. No BIGGIE. Just the price of being an American.

My daughter is 10 months old, and I realize the sad conversation that I’ll have with

Yesterday, I was sobbing at my desk over the absolutely toxic work culture in my office and repeatedly telling co-workers “I’m fine.” It was obvious it’s not fine. It’s also something you can’t talk about so it needs to be fine. There’s no other choice but to go on in silent agony. 

I feel like this is, or should be, one of those defining moments for the USA as a country. Like, on which side is the coin going to flip? Is Kavanaugh going to rejected and will that leave a slightly larger chance of a new person who might be somewhat more bipartisan and allow the two sides inch sliiightly closer or

Sometimes I think I’m saying, “it’s fine” to convince myself, as well. Like if I say it out loud enough times it really will be fine. Unfortunately this has been a coping mechanism I’ve felt the need to use far too many times. I usually feel the need to be overly accommodating or to reassure others when I’m the one

I should be shocked that Kavanaugh won even more support after he crumbled at the microphone, but I’m not. Centuries and centuries of religious doctrine codified into law, into how society views itself and its constituents, into who is more or less equal. Women created “sin”. Women besmirched mankind’s perfection.

What I think when I hear people say “it’s fine”:

This is so fucking hard.  I have family members who not only still approve of Kavanaugh getting the SC seat, but think that Ford is a paid actor.  The willful ignorance runs deep when you’re in a deeply red state.  It’s exhausting.  I cannot even begin to fathom how Ford feels.

God, THIS. Its such a common phrase in my vocabulary. And I hate myself for it.

I think the story she wants to tell starts off like this: “I read the Handmaid’s Tale and really identified with the character of Serena Joy.”

You’d think a SCOTUS nominee wouldn’t need this kind of coaching this is sort of his field of expertise isn’t it?

This made very angry because as a general rule appellate judges get pissy real fast if you answer their question with question and I am sure Judge Kavanaugh is no different. You think he would offer Senators the same respect  he would demanded from litigators. 

I cringed so hard watching that exchange yesterday. And while he SHOULD apologize, his apology came after a 15 minute break where someone probably coached him, and made him out to be an upstanding guy. It glosses over the original exchange where he was totally out of line and frankly, extremely immature. He was trying