Mother Dick

Then who's gonna mix drinks and crack hilarious jokes? The universe won't allow it.

Isaac would kick ass in the apocalyptic future, and Gopher would have made a good leader of Alexandria. Plus….they now need a doctor….and here's a complaint: I know Doc probably made good cash on The Love Boat, but no way he could have gotten as many women as he did…..fictionally speaking, of course.

After one evening of showering together.

I actually don't mind Bill O, though sometimes he's …ehh….but dammit, if you're gonna write a historical book about Jesus, you need to know Aramaic at the very least. Primary sources.

I've never seen Korl interviewed before, but if it turns out that he is bleeding' English, too, I'm gonna die. Actually, I don't care, but it is funny how so many Brits are in the show.

those are well-thought out comments. i don't always agree with them, but i enjoyed reading 'em

When are they gonna start meeting long-lost twins? I wanna see Herschel's long-lost twin Jeb.

Stickin' together is what good waffles do.

They're clicking. Is it the characters, the actors, both?

Perhaps. But The Sopranos wasn't nearly as good as the critics said it was. I think that as the group makes their way more north and more east, the critics will like it more.

Grade inflation, man. I teach. C is the new B. C+ is the new A-.

Yeah, what was with that Rick-begins-running-in-the-sun and finishes at half past 9? The night descendeth early in A-Town.

Glad to see he has healed. That's a hell of a backstory.

I had some issues with the finale, but it was enjoyable.

Not necessarily. The two could seal a new bond of bro-ship by shaving. I'd buy the razors.

Hahaha…..that made me laugh….

And I can't forget the quote by Judas Priest . . . "Do it."

Some of those fireside scenes . . . they might just as well go up on the top deck of The Love Boat.

I liked Morgan quoting William Blake….though Blake wasn't necessarily the only person to say it…..but say it Blake did. All life is precious. Hard to go wrong quoting Blake.

there were a lot of guns that didn't go off. sometimes, killing off characters leads a show (like The Sopranos, and Oz after two episodes) to become a parody of itself.