Mother Dick

buyer's remorse……he got sane just in time to see a nutty (looking) Rick….

Morgan’s expression was priceless. I wonder if he remembers
running into Rick when he was crazy with grief? Well, once Morgan met Aaron and Daryl, my theory about Morgan
as existing wholly within the mind of Rick went out the winder. (I didn’t
necessarily think it was true, but it was fun to trace. The two were good

He should have thrashed that doctor…..

Wow, too early to post on this week's episode, but that paid off. The plot lines actually paid off. And Carol was right.

Well sure . . . but the way you write it, it sounds so unromantic.

Wait a second there, my friend—I am quite sure that I am missing a whole lot of stuff. My Lord, the gaps in my knowledge and logic and brain structure are . . . real big.

I wonder why Deanna didn't give him that job?

I think it actually might be the Furry Fandom.

Maybe that's what I didn't buy? I don't know—I don't think so. The area just seems like such a crossroads that there;d be people walking into them all the time. Just my own petty quibbling, though.

that's good analysis. michonne was hardly even human when we first met her. that loyalty issue is the one that has me most interested…with all the characters, but with michonne and daryl…'s interesting how some of the characters have different relationships with one another. carol and rick seem to have a

Dale referenced "The Sound and the Fury," and I appreciated that gesture so much that I have donated several of my vineyards to the Vatican in his name.

Yes, but the five-second pay off is heavenly.

Ha! This is true…..

I can't believe I remembered Miles's name. But yeah, the Internet. Al Gore, I owe ya massive foot rubs.

Something about the "Alexandrians are naive" motif bothers me, too. In such a heavily populated area—it rests just outside the DC-Baltimore-Philly-NYC corridor—wouldn't there have been more people and more bad guys? Maybe it is just poor writing, but they would have never survived being as naive as they are. One

Hey—in all fairness, it could have been hydrogen, like that Hindenburg (the blimp, not the dude).

Definitely. He told Rick he was wrong about Michonne. But if the two of them bond—do they just drop that bond? That would be interesting to see, but I guess to have the two characters really bond, they'd have to be off alone together for more than a few days….and I'm guessing that will not happen. Male bondage needs

Agreed. It just seems . . . like she's batshit crazy. Not emotionally fried. It reminds me of some of my ___________ who had bipolar disorder. When they were manic, they lacked a connection with reality. I dunno….it just doesn't seem . . . authentic. But yeah, as you said, those deaths will do that.

Aaron and Daryl would make a good detective department with Sawyer and Miles.

I like how the craziness is going on inside while Daryl and Aaron are outside. There's a novel I'm thinking of that has this dynamic and I cannot seem to remember which one, but it does remind me a little of 2010: Odyssey Deuce, in which American and Ruskie astronauts may not have a home to return to. That dynamic has