Mother Dick

I knew Mr. Joshua. I served with Mr. Joshua. I smuggled H with Mr. Joshua. And Pete, you're no Mr. Joshua.

"Monologue-punched" . . . I like that….

What's odd is that there are plenty of writers they could bring in, at least to consult. Who knows, maybe they did, but I read someone's blog making the same points both of you were.

How bad that thing be smellin'?

I've worked with my share of Nicoli

Apart from that goofy "I need to find Maggie" story, Glenn rocks.

Yeah . . . snappin' ain't fun. It really isn't. That was a Rick in pain.

The first time I was with a girl . . . man, that was the exact same situation. We're Facebook friends now.

A poltergeist Merle and Herschel would be better

Good eating, study, and grooming habits is learned at home, and I don't see too many family units out there.

Out of the entire ensemble, the one I trust to do the right thing (which means he or she has the strength to do so in addition to having the knowledge of what the right thing to do is) would be Glenn.

Agreed. I thought Shane could have been a good character, but they d-bagged him up right quick, and I think they are doing the same with Rick. Let the guy go crazy over grief, but please . . . no more love-as-the-tipping-point stuff. Though I guess it does still happen when you're in your late 30s….

When Rick lost it tonight after the roly-poly fight, it reminded me of the stupid sh*t I say when I forget to take my ADD meds. It all comes rushing out before I even realize it.

I agree, this Sasha thing makes little sense . . . unless she's caught some sort of thought disorder from a port-a-potty. There's just no rationality left.

Many will day, many will day

Melissa McBride, however, has aged deliciously. (I shouldn't be using adverbs at all, and then I go and use one like "deliciously." Come on, Mom Prick, get with it.)

One thing I know for sure: Steven Yuen can act. I kinda forgot about that after last year's search for Maggie. Give him material and he can pull it off.

No, no—I get ya!

I'm betting Mr. Deanna was an officer in the original Gulf War or perhaps the War in Grenada (where the US kicked no small amount of ass, btw). Architect? Pshaw. Architect of Badassery is more like it.

They get older . . .