Mother Dick

Yeah, I am afraid they are a-headin' thatta ways…..

I hope so. Sloppy writing can turn her into a one-dimensional kilbot.


Ha! Nah, the Hillary who might run for president. Email Hillary.

Too many typos on AV Club

No, I wasn't disagreeing. But if someone is that over-the-top assholish, people can see that. That's apart from the abuse….

Me too, because I keep thinking of Keith kissing that white boy in "Six Feet Under"

Precisely. No discussion, no investigation, no looking at it from another POV. Straight to violence, as you said.

she's kinda coming close to going off the ozzy rails, though

Or if he was secretly working for God, like Matthew McConaughey in that one movie where he works for God and kills people.

Would he pronounce "cleavage" as "cleeeevge"?

How can they not see his assholishness? Or even his drunkenness? They being the townspeople and him being The Doctor.

I can't help but think how Hillary and Rick would clash.

She sure does make good eye-contact, though. Originally, I thought the show was gonna fake us out. I thought Deanna was appearing to be slightly naive so that later she could surprise us. But now I think her slight naïveté is slight naïveté.

But if they did . . . would they be able to snap back?

Scares me, though. I'd opt out before finding myself in one of those societies. Unless, of course, I had children….Christ, the world scares me.

I have an M.D. from Harvard, I am board certified in cardio-thoracic medicine and trauma surgery, I have been awarded citations from seven different medical boards in New England, and I am never, ever sick at sea. So I ask you; when someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees and they pray to God that

The doctor's wife sure has nice cleavage. I wonder if Rickroller noticed.

Yeah . . . making the doctor a wife and child beater is pretty lame. He might as well sit on the board of Boko Haram

well, acquiring fresh living flesh is technically work, so…